Invisible Wall on Shattered Square Vault Point


System: PC (via Steam)

Description of Issue: I was playing as Nea and up against a Spirit, on the Shattered Square Map. I went to take a vault point and was immediately knocked down, because I hit an invisible wall. I was not hit before I vaulted, and I was not grabbed. I hit a wall and got knocked down. Over my body, I watched the Killer try to use the vault point herself multiple times, also to no avail. I believe it was Killer Shack's vault point, but it happened very quickly, and I didn't have much time to make sense of my surroundings because I was on death hook.

Steps to Recreate: Go to Shattered Square and test the vault points I suppose, as I said it affected me and the Killer, so I have to believe it's universal. But pick Nea and Spirit to be certain it's not some weird interaction with one of them as well.

How Often Does this Occur: Reporting after first instance, because it was a nasty bug to run into. As stated previously, the Killer also attempted to use the vault point multiple times, so I think between the two of us we tried it about 5 times.

I wish I had a recording to give you, but I wasn't live or recording at the time.

Thank you in advance.

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