Dissolution bug, a pallet not breaking after a person fat vaulted.

daleklord77 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited June 5 in Bug Reporting

Encountered a weird bug where after injuring a survivor and waiting the 3 seconds, the survivor fast vaults a pallet and it does not break, then they fast vault it a second time and then the pallet breaks. My clip for this is at around 2:31:30 and another moment at 2:30:40.

Post edited by BoxGhost on
1 votes

Not a Bug · Last Updated

Users have already explained what happened. Closing report.


  • Archavell
    Archavell Member Posts: 12

    Dissolution only breaks the pallet if the survivor is within your terror radius when they fast fault. Since you were in nightfall you are undetectable meaning you have no terror radius which also disables Dissolution from working.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 456

    And at 2:31:50 it works as expected. We clearly see the problem…

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