Visual performance on Xbox One X

MovieBuff28 Member Posts: 1
edited June 5 in Bug Reporting

Since 8.0.0, visuals have dropped significantly on Xbox One X and Xbox One. Anecdotal reports on Reddit also seem to indicate the Series S is affected.

The game looks like it's running on 720p. Frame rate appears stable, but textures are blurry, unfocused, and edges are not focused and crisp like they were prior to 8.0.0.

To clarify, my game was looking fine prior to 8.0.0, even after the UE5 rollout.

Please don't neglect existing customers on older gen. I've happily purchased every chapter and countless auric cells over the years, but will definitely consider taking an indefinite hiatus if the game runs like this for the foreseeable future. I understand the need to look to the future, but I don't understand how the game could run absolutely fine pre 8.0.0, and also how it can't be optimised for even Series S (it's not the most graphically demanding title around).

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