Blight can now ignore Animations

With the latest patch dbd twitter has found a way to animation cancel tech such as Pallet breaks while rushing
average blight tech
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They somehow managed to make this bug even more broken than it was on the PTB. Amazing.
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It is rather impressive how players discover and develop (pun intended) all these tricks & so-called techs. In particular with Blight.
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do people seriously call this a tech? This is straight up glitch exploitation unlike hig tech imo
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Me when i develop No clip and god mode and call it a tech so its not hacking or cheating
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He honestly deserves to keep it after how bad his new collision is😭
(I must formally announce that the prior statement in which you have read is in all actuality a light hearted comedic remark and is in no way actually an indicator of what I really believe.)
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I don't even know if this ones a "tech" bug since I somehow did it by accident without even knowing it existed
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Why Blight is always that one character with the most broken things (overpowered things) :(
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@Peanits is using this bannable?
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Wow. Why does it not suprise me that Blight players find this the fastest?
Jokes aside, this has to be fixed asap.
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They usually only ban for things when they announce that they will be banning for it via the Ingame-News. And this only happened once since I was playing (back then Legions Mend-Add Ons would cause infinite Mending since the time got longer each time someone was hit with Feral Frenzy, which lead to Mend-Times of minutes).
But this warrants a Killswitch - which will probably not happen either, so I cannot wait to encounter an increasing numbers of Blight-players doing this over the next week or so.
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I don't think so but it is clearly unfair ! It is as fast as the thing of the Lich with his broken add-on.
Anyway, thanks to share this stuff with us. Pretty nice trick…1 -
it warrants a killswitch but i doubt they will since other gamebreaking bugs cough potential energy was not ks
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Watch BHVR fix this but not the double fatigue bug
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It should be, it's an bug and people are using it to their advantage. He needs to be killswitched immediately so people can't use it for the time being until he's fixed.
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I decided to put that in a video trimmer just to get a general idea of how fast it is. The entire action to bump into it and then break the pallet takes 0.90 seconds. That is extremely fast. How fast? Your going faster than a Wraith with Shadow Dance Green+Purple addons and the perks Fire Up and Brutal Strength which would grant Wraith a pallet breaking speed of 1.08. And the Blight in that video is only using Brutal Strength.
EDIT: Also if you don't want to include the initial bump, which is about 0.4 seconds for what is happening, the pallet breaking starts at approximately 0.5 meaning the pallet breaking speed is at 0.5 seconds.