sabotage bug

toohigh Member Posts: 9
edited June 6 in Bug Reporting

i dont know how this happened but we couldn't unhook her at all. her hook timer also never went down at all

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • oopsmatt
    oopsmatt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    same thing happened to me and i couldnt even die in the endgame until well after the timer expired

  • CosmicScarab
    CosmicScarab Member Posts: 105
    edited June 6

    Same bug just happened to me, I was trying to hook someone and the moment I started hooking, someone started saboing the hook, cancelling the hook attempt and seemingly causing this. I couldn't down them, they seemed unable to attempt to get off hook and the anti face camp did nothing, no one could attempt a rescue, and even after I let everyone leave and EGC timer ran out they didn't die, meaning both me and the bugged player had to DC.

    For extra info I was playing Skull Merchant, person I was hooking was playing Jeff, person saboing was Meg and was using a toolbox to sabo. Perks being used were Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Undying, Hex: Pentimento, Hex: Ruin. Map was Dead Dog Saloon. Logs attached if it helps.