Tier 4 Perks Idea

Hey guys, i was thinking about that some perks, even at tier 3, are still worse than other perks that you can instead run.
I was thinking... what about if there was a tier 4 level for the perks?
My idea is the following:

Once you've reached Prestige 3 (this will give an extra reward to those players who reached Prestige 3) on a character, that character's bloodweb will allow the spawning of tier 4 perks. Tier 4 perks will not spawn forcefully as like as normal perks do, but there will instead be a chance of 15/20% of a tier 4 perk to spawn into a bloodweb. These perks will have a golden outline indicating that its a tier 4 perk. Tier 4 perks are exactly the same as it would be in case all perks already had a tier 4 level.

For example:
Botany Knowledge tier 1: increases healing speed and healing item efficiency by 11%.
Botany Knowledge tier 2: increases healing speed and healing item efficiency by 22%.
Botany Knowledge tier 3: increases healing speed and healing item efficiency by 33%.
Botany Knowledge tier 4 would: increase healing speed and healing item efficiency by 44%.
Another Example:
Rancor tier 1: You see survivors positions for 3 seconds, obsession sees your aura for 5 seconds. Obsession gains exposed status effect at end game and you can mori him.
Rancor tier 2: You see survivors positions for 3 seconds, obsession sees your aura for 4 seconds. Obsession gains exposed status effect at end game and you can mori him.
Rancor tier 3: You see survivors positions for 3 seconds, obsession sees your aura for 3 seconds. Obsession gains exposed status effect at end game and you can mori him.
Rancor tier 4 would: Let you see survivors positions for 3 seconds, obsession sees your aura for 2 seconds. Obsession gains exposed status effect at end game and you can mori him.

Since some perks would become REALLY OVERPOWERED (yeah NOED and DS, i'm talking about you and your friends STBFL and BBQ.) i was thinking about that tier 4 would add something else or change it.

Decisive Strike tier 4 would (instead of increasing stun time to 4.5 seconds) just reduce the needed wiggle meter percentage to use DS when you are not the obsession.
Save the Best for Last would not decrease the token loss when hitting obsession to 1, but would instead increase the maximum of tokens by 2 (for a total of 10), or will instead make it so that unsuccessful attacks will have a reduced cooldown of 3% for each token.

Tell me what you guys think about this idea. I do not want to start flames or whatever, just wanted to give an idea to devs to make the game a little bit better for those who already unlocked everything, and a way for them to spend their bloodpoints not only for getting brown toolboxes or unneded things into the bloodweb. Also a thing that will give players an incentive to prestige their characters to P3.


  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    I'm saying no based solely on the fact that the grind is already so slow for getting perks (especially with 6 new ones every few months). Adding another tier even for just some would make it so much worse. 
  • Xfulminex
    Xfulminex Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2019

    That's why the tier 4 perks will spawn in the bloodweb only for a 15/20% chance. It could be even lower.

    EDIT: I was thinking about a 10% chance, that would be good (5% is too low prob)

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    i think if you're not running 4 perks you should be able to "Enhance" 1 of your perks with a + 1tier (maybe)...

    ACCTUALLY! if there was a useles perk, which its only function were to Enhance 1 perk, it could work...

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    Grindy, grind.
    1st grind to P3 on 1 surv and all killers
    Then go through each bloodweb and have a CHANCE of getting tier.4 perks which woulf cause ever more grind