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New Killer Chapter Idea: ”Liminal Void” v1.0

CaptainRaider Member Posts: 151
edited June 8 in Creations

Been a while since I made a post. I have some stuff I’ll be posting that I’ve had mostly done but unfinished until now. This one here I started in June of 2022. Just now finished it in June of 2024!

Hope you guys like and let me know how it can be improved. Trying out something new with the addons; I replaced all the numbers with X so you guys can fill in the blank and suggest what would be balanced. Let me know what numbers you guys think in the comments! I’ll see you in the next post!!

Killer: The (Backroom) Roamer

Intended appearance:


Based upon the video game {The Backrooms 1998}


Name: Unknown

Height: Tall

Movement speed: 4.4 m/s

Terror Radius: 24

Weapon: Blood Tendrils


Forceful Recollection: 

All survivors spawn with a video camera. Items that are brought will be dropped at their feet. When they are holding the video-camera item the are able to see your Silhouettes. Having a video camera can cause survivors to experience adverse affects depending on their Derangement. They can only see their own Derangement when in possession of a video-camera.


If survivors are holding a video-camera they will passively gain Derangement. They will also gain Derangement from being chased by the killer (1/10th a bar per second) and occupying the same space as a Silhouette. One of these effects is your ability to see the killer; as your Derangement increases the distance you can see the killer from decreases (the maximum reduction is limited to half of your terror radius). 

Survivors may decrease derangement by entering a locker; while in a locker their derangement decreases by a quarter of the rate that the camera effects them.

Special Enemy: Silhouette

This entity shambles slowly, wandering aimlessly and oblivious to its surroundings. Silhouettes spawn and stay near areas of interest, such as generators, exit gates and loops. When survivors occupy the same space as a Silhouette their Derangement is increased (by 1/4th a bar per second) in addition to other adverse effects.

Hex Curse: Purgatory

The climax of their suffering strengthens your vengeance. Every two bars of derangement curse that survivor with a random hex perk effect that the killer has equipped (these effects are not included in the power description): 

Ruin, when the survivor stops repairing a gen it begins to regress by 200%; Devour; this survivor suffers from the exposed status effect and is mori-able for 10 seconds after being unhooked; Huntress Lullaby, no skill check warning and additional missed skill check regression penalty of 6%; Blood Favor, if this survivor is injured then all pallets within an 8 meter range of them become blocked by the entity until healthy; Crowd Control; the entity blocks all vault locations for the survivor after a a fast vaukt is performed for 30 seconds; Haunted Grounds; exposes the survivor for 60 seconds after cleansing or blessing any totem; NOED, prevents the survivor from leaving through an exit gate for 15 seconds after it is opened; Plaything, the survivor is inflicted with the oblivious status effect; Retribution, the survivor’s aura is revealed for 15 seconds after cleansing or blessing any totem; The Third Seal, inflicts the survivor with blindness while injured; Thrill of The HuntUndying, when the survivor effected completes a cleanse or bless on a hex totem play a loud noise notification instead and reveal their aura for four seconds (this effect only triggers once per trial per survivor); Face the Darkness, all totems look like a hex totem; Pentimento, totems are blocked for the survivor; Two Can Play, blinds the survivor whenever they are in a locker.


1: “Mimic: Ghoul”

At the start of the Trial, 1 additional chest will spawn as a Mimic Object. The aura of Mimic Objects are revealed to you in white. When a survivor opens this chest they become trapped and injured (similar to a bear trap) and must take attempts to escape. Another survivor may assist them.

2: “Mimic: Otiose”

At the start of the Trial, 1 additional generator will spawn as a Mimic Object. The aura of Mimic Objects are revealed to you in white. When survivors complete a skill check on this generator their aura is revealed for 6 seconds. If this generator is completed it instantly explodes blinding anyone nearby.

3: “Mimic: Byzantine”

At the start of the Trial, 1 additional pallet will spawn as a Mimic Object. The aura of Mimic Objects are revealed to you in white. When this pallet is dropped it will instantly shatter and injure the survivor while also afflicting them with the deep wound status effect.



  • Rat

It’s still alive, somehow.

Reduces silhouettes that spawn by X, but reduces the number of lockers by the same amount.

  • Furniture cover

This covering seems extremely old.

Silhouettes inflict survivors with blindness for X seconds, reduces spawned silhouettes by x

  • Tacky Wallpaper

Yellowish and sickly brown, dilapidated and peeling.

Silhouettes inflict survivors with hindered for X seconds, reduces movement speed of silhouettes by x%

  • Pile of Garbage

Glass shards, metal cans, and other random or useless, but dangerous, pieces.

Silhouettes inflict survivors with hemorrhage for X seconds (if injured), reduces derangement inflicted from silhouettes by x


  • Spray-paint Can

Instructions are scribbled on it, it reads “mark your path.”

Survivors gain derangement while holding the camera X% faster. Consequently they also lose derangement in lockers by the same amount.

  • Wall graffiti of A Door

Unconvincing outline of a wooden door

Silhouettes inflict survivors with hemorrhage for X seconds, if injured, in addition to this effect silhouettes inflicts deep wound.

  • Plywood

Nailed to a door, I wonder what’s behind it?

Nearby lockers become blocked while in a chase unless a survivor is using it.

  • Coagulated Blood

Thick pools of blood coat the floor like wax.

Silhouettes inflict survivors with hindered for X seconds, reduces movement speed of silhouettes by x%

  • Polaroid

Objects can be seen in the photo placed with a mannequin.

Will select a random hex perk at x% of it’s intended effectiveness (any hexes brought will deactivate)


  • Radiant Lightbulb

It glows even without electric current, it’s almost too bright to look at.

Silhouettes inflict survivors with X% more derangement, can only see silhouettes within x meters with a camera

  • Mannequin

It’s missing its head and arms.

Survivors items that they spawned with are dispersed to random chests except basement chest throughout the map (overrides chest opening perks that guarantee certain items)

  • Trike

A child’s toy, it seems to move by itself.

Survivors with cameras and the killer gain haste from silhouettes, silhouettes now increase survivor derangement by 200% when they have a camera

  • TV

A strange man in the TV stares back at you.

Looking at the killer causes derangement, derangement will slowly decrease by x% whenever you are not gaining derangement

  • Pile of Dead Rats

The smell, it reeks of decomposition.

Silhouettes only spawn after every survivor has at least one bar of derangement. Only two survivors spawn with cameras


  • Strange Fetus Doll

Caked in blood, the umbilical cord is still attached.

Silhouettes are now visible to survivors without cameras, if a survivor has no camera the silhouettes will chase them x meters from their original spot at 110% movement speed

  • Mannequin Head and Arms

Torn violently from a mannequin with a pool of blood leading from it.

All hex curse effects will activate if a hex totem is brought, hex curse will deactivate once the killer’s hex totem(s) are cleansed

  • Radio

It repeats the same news bulletin ad nauseum, “…The autopsy revealed Little Timmy had eaten his favorite meal- spicy fried chicken.”

Whenever a survivor loses a bar of derangement by any means, they scream revealing their location

  • Silhouette Painting

“It was you,”  is written ominously upon the canvas.

A random survivor is given an offer on their screen upon spawning, YES or NO, “Die and serve the entity?” If NO, nothing happens and the prompt fades away. If YES, then the survivor explodes in a mori animation and is put automatically into a spectator mode. While spectating the survivor can “Test your Will-Power” and is given a series of increasingly difficult skill checks, if successful gives that survivor a silhouette item with x% of an item’s normal charges. It acts as a flashlight, toolbox and med kit; and it disappears once it runs out of charges. Alternatively the survivor can “test will-power” with the killer, which will inflict a negative status effect for 30 seconds. You are awarded 100% more blood points for in all categories upon a successful “test of will-power.” Emblems are not gained from this. Offers do not stack


  • Strange Mannequin Dolly

Impossible gore and strangely long arms, the lower half of its anatomy is missing.

New Hex Curse: When a survivor in the dying state you can now suspend them. Suspending a survivor costs two bars of derangement. An animation plays as they “noclip” through the floor “out of reality.” During this time they may wander the map invisible and unable to interact with anything. After a minute has passed they will respawn into the trial by falling out of the basement ceiling. This replaces the default Hex Curse

  • Photo of Little Timmy

The face is scribbled out with what looks to be crayon.

A random survivor is given an offer on their screen upon spawning, YES or NO, “Die and serve me?” If NO, the survivor is exposed and their aura revealed for 30 seconds and the prompt fades away. If YES, then the survivor transforms in a mori-like animation and is put into first person and the survivor floats (looks like a silhouette with the same properties including killer’s silhouette add-ons) and can torment the survivors. Once all other survivors die or are sacrificed this survivor becomes resurrected with their player returning to normal and the hatch is revealed to them for the remainder of the trial. Offers do not stack
