Bubba's shadow nerf

Bubba feels great to play as now (though I do think his sweep speed should still be bumped up a little more and he could use an add-on pass) but there's something that felt off whenever I played as him. I was maximizing the tantrum meter far, far more often. Prior to 8.0.0 I basically never hit that meter. And it turns out the tantrum meter activation was lowered to 3 seconds for an absolutely unknown reason.
Is there any particular reason why this decision was made? Or is this simply a typo since the base tantrum duration was also lowered to 3 seconds?
I'm actually not opposed to it, now he can pretty much only full rev twice in a row before going into tantrum. This won't affect normal chases, but will affect chasing survivors away from someone that's hooked. Still very strange that they didn't put it in the patch notes, and even stranger that they didn't also nerf the addons that let him rev more before overheating if they really were trying to weaken his camping a bit. Maybe they were afraid of backlash. That being said, I've been having lots of fun with basekit Bubba, he feels way better now.
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I mean yeah, but it’s way worse when you run Depth Gauge Rake or his engravings because he has the longer charge time. If you try to delay the chainsaw sweep with those add-ons to prepare a mindgame you will inevitably tantrum. This wasn’t an issue with the 5 second tantrum activation and the 5 second one was good enough for what it did.
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It does affect normal chases though. The rev time is 2 seconds, so if you cancel more than 1 second worth of revving then you already can’t rev the chainsaw anymore. If you have any addon that increases the charge time then it’s even less forgiving.
If they want to weaken his camping (which I would not be opposed to), this is not the right way to do it.
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I do think BHVR could be onto something however. The tantrum activation meter could cap to 3 seconds when within 12-20 meters of a hooked survivor, that way a Bubba can’t proxy camp as easily while revving up his chainsaw to keep survivors away with little to no downside at the same time.
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i haven't been penalized with it. maybe it is because when i play bubba, i know exactly which chainsaws are going hit and which will not and i often know what pathing the surivivor will take if they're optimal looper to maximize my time waste which tells if a chase is bad or not. I think if your committing to your chainsaw and you know when to use it, it doesn't do anything.
the thing, i haven't seen survivors abuse lockers with this because… in theory, you can just rev →go into locker, rev, go into a locker and force tantrums when healthy.