Vecna's Counterplay is problematic

Vecna feels quite balanced as is, his main counterplay is in the form of magic items NOT in gameplay elements like losing LOS or being able to hold W and chain loops. That is something I feel like the community has not yet realized. His most problematic power at the moment is probably Mage Hand due to the bug with enduring, this is obviously not intended so its fair it is being removed, however, I do not understand why they are going to further nerf Mage Hand as it is very niche and only works on very specific loops that are just long enough to catch up and get an M1, not to mention the magic item that is meant to counter it is absolutely busted, 7% haste is insane, it essentially renders Mage Hand worthless unless you disable it with the sphere.
Also I assume they will remove the spectral entities' spawn damage from FoTD, this is worrisome as it is a very lackluster power and without this interaction it has virtually very little use as it is ridiculously easy to dodge with a massive 0.5s window to press 'ctrl'. If they do go through with removing the spawn damage they need to seriously buff FoTD massively to compensate.
My idea is that they should dramatically reduce the spawn time to 0.2 seconds while maintaining the ability to crouch under them, this will make it almost impossible to react to them from up close but there is the possibility to outplay this by predicting it and crouching before they take flight. This opens an interactive mind game where the survivor can take a risk and predict the spell and if successful they can continue the loop and cause the spell to go on cooldown.
Another route they could go with is to permanently remove the crouching aspect from FoTD, I think this would be completely fair as it is very easy to do at the moment and requires very little skill, to compensate they can maintain the current spawn time of 0.5s and this will now force survivors to counter it by standing within the gap between the skeletons. This version will allow for truly skilled survivors to be able to react and dodge the ability even when it is cast from quite close. I personally prefer this one.
I am quite worried about the future balance of Vecna as it seems that his current counterplay is very dependent on the survivors which feels terrible to play as since it feels like no matter what you do the outcome is not about your own skill. If survivors have a magic item (for the mage hand) and they have below average reaction time to crouch then 2 of your abilities will rarely be effective.