A year after the release of Xenomorph, I still miss the old PTB terror radius.

Hi, I'm one of those who find, even a year later, that the radius terror modified during the live release just doesn't fit Alien at all.
When I listen to it, at least that of the chase as a killer as well as a survivor, I don't feel the sensation of being chased by a xenomorph. I feel like I'm being chased by a resident evil monster.
I am the first to salute the work of F.April, he has created incredible OSTs throughout his career, and recently Vecna ​​(except layer 3 of this one, which live is a disaster compared to that of PTB), but I remain convinced that the old radius terror simply deserved a complete overhaul of layer 3 and the chase. 
Everything was almost perfect, we had a disturbing, disturbing atmosphere, which very well represented the Xenomorph, a mysterious and nightmarish extra-terrestrial creature. All that had to be done was to find a compromise to release the washing machine effect + overly pronounced alarm from the chase theme.
Compare the two versions, and see that the PTB version with some major modifications, would have been much more attractive than the generic soundtrack, which moreover, ABSOLUTELY does not fit with the xenomorph lobby theme compared to the old version.

If a CM sees this and can report it to Mr. F.April, on the one hand to convey my thanks for what the old radius terror was, and on the other so that possibly, he can propose an improved version of it.