Licensed Killer Idea Portraits

The_Geek Member Posts: 42

To go along with how I made survivor portraits in a previous post, I decided to make some killer ones. I like villains more, so I made more killer portraits than survivor portraits.

Springtrap (FNAF): It is hard to find someone who doesn’t want some sort of FNAF representation in DBD, so I need not to explain why I made this portrait.

Sam (Trick ‘r Treat): This child is mysterious enough and iconic enough to warrant himself to be added to DBD. I would main him immediately. He has so much potential for abilities and cosmetics. I know BHVR has said they don’t want kids in DBD, but Sam isn’t the age of a child, and would also be the one doing the killing.

Griffin (The Invisible Man): My favorite Universal monster. Also one of the more tragic of them, when it comes to their story. A well meaning man that is twisted into a deranged lunatic by just a few chemicals. In DBD lore, they could say the Entity even influenced this shift.

Stripe (Gremlins): Come on! This would just be fun! Imagine fixing a gen whilst hearing the maniacal laughter of this little guy off in the distance.

Pale Man (Pan’s Labyrinth): Too creepy and iconic not to include. Probably one of the simplest, yet most effective monster design ever. Would love to play as this piece of nightmare fuel.

Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice): With the new movie coming out, it would be perfect timing for at least a killer only chapter. So much potential with him.

Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors): With the slower speed of this plant, it would open an opportunity for some really unique gameplay. Plus, there are no other horror villains (other that Betelgeuse, technically) that are in a musical, which could open up some fun opportunities.

Slappy (Goosebumps): A villain that introduced many to the horror genre. Him and his fellow Goosebumps monsters have become icons among many, yet none are really talked about when discussing DBD. If it is because people think the franchise can’t be serious enough for DBD, just have a look at the Disney+ show.

Ink Demon Bendy (Bendy): The similarities between the Cycle and the Trials is shocking. With Bendy’s unique physiology, such as the fact that he’s made of ink, really has some fun potential. The map that would go along with him would also look amazing in DBD.

Tio (Piggy): Tio is the only character in Piggy that fits DBD’s tone and artstyle perfectly. Even his lore fits well. Tio, when he was a child, became friends with a being that came from a realm beyond his own, which caused him to start to gain attributes of this friend, angering and releasing the wrath of the friend on the world. If BHVR just replaced this friend with the Entity, it would work perfectly in DBD’s lore!