It's all very fun but can we killswitch Blight for now?

Or at least post an acknowledgement of the instabreak exploit and give out bans for abusing it like it happened with infinite mending exploit for Legion or Nurse speed exploit etc.
What instabreak exploit are you talking about?
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They're not going to ban people
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Don't expect bans for exploiting bugs, Legion's infinite mending was an exception because it was before the killswitch and it was being used to create endless games as this was also before the match ending after an hour.
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Killswitch yes, handing out bans tho? No
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I really don't know what the point of the killswitch is if they're not going to use it.
It's a super exploitable bug.
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Agreed it's very frustrating to see the kill switch not used
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Using exploits is a bannable offense and always has been. People got banned for using the locker exploit as survivor as far as I know so I don't see why it should be treated any differently.
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What is a killswitch?
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Obviously because that exploit was used by survivors, and this one is used by killers, so it's a huge difference, according to the current devs' design philosophy. So I doubt Blight is even going to be killswitched, as he is a noble killer after all, not some petty survivor.
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What bug?
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I'm not gonna say how to exactly replicate it but Blight can break pallets with his power and not have any cooldown at all and be able to freely walk forward and get hits. Kinda similar to his old Compound 33 addon but even stronger.
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I reported the bug on PTB like day 0 because it happened by accident when testing the "bug fix" they released for him. They probably fixed it already or have been working on it to ship for the next hotfix. Killswitch is just the most useless feature they've worked on.
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Didn't ban people for using potential energy or breakdown when those perks were bugged.
Not saying they shouldn't but it's weird seeing BHVR do nothing when people are abusing a bug and don't use the kill switch.
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Slow down there bud, its an ADDON that needs to be killswitched not the entire killer.
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Difference is locker exploits could be used to take the game hostage if the killer wasn't pyramid head or artist. Also you know literal invincibility for running into any locker is WAY more game breaking.
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So the reason of this bug is none other than Blighted Crow?
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A few years ago there was a bug with the Nurse that allowed her to move at her blink speed permanently and it was bannable. There also was a bug with the Knight with the same premise but not sure if it was bannable or not.
Even though this bug doesn't allow to hold the game hostage, it completely removes most of the gameplay from the match and is a free "I win" button and I think this is not something that should be treated lightly by the devs.
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it’s when BHVR disables something (a character, perk, map item etc) so it cannot be selected until a bug or updates has fixed it
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I don't think it's add-on related, and if it is, it's not this one
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Most people who abused this bug were using a combination of Blighted Crow and something else, usually second speed. So probably not addon related.
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When I was trying this bug on custom, I was using two other add-on and get it, it's for this reason I think it's not crow if it is the case