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Game breaking glitch on hook

lonerainbow Member Posts: 3

8.0.1, PC - Steam

I was playing as The Dredge and about to hook the Meg in the RPD lobby. Another player sabotaged the hook but it didn't disappear for me so I thought they ran out of toolbox charges. I hooked the Meg but nothing happened except they weren't wiggling anymore. I let another survivor pallet stun me and that's the moment Meg was floating as in the first picture. Nobody could unhook them or interact in any way. The survivors left, the entity timer ran out and the Meg became a bot. I was stuck on the map after entity collapse so I had to Leave the match. Meg was still in the game even after I DC'd as to see in second picture.

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • DamselaTTV
    DamselaTTV Member Posts: 2

    same happened to me today!

  • lonerainbow
    lonerainbow Member Posts: 3

    Update 8.0.2: Similar issue still happening!

    I was playing The Spirit on Coldwind Farm. I picked up a survivor while another survivor was trying to blind me with a flashlight. I pressed the button to remote hook but nothing happened. I heard the audio clue for the flashlight stun, but didn't get stunned. But then I couldn't hook the Survivor nor drop them. They were still wiggling and the other survivor flashlight stunned me again but nothing happened. The Endgame Timer ran out and we were still stuck in the game. I had to leave the match.

  • lonerainbow
    lonerainbow Member Posts: 3

    Log for the 8.0.2 issue