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I'm done with this game! Killers too underpowered and Survivors too OP

I got into the game ONLY because it was free for PS+ and I guess it was to fix the issue of all the killer mains leaving. I loved the game when I first played it starting off with Survivor of course. Then I went on to play killer and saw the licence killers available and brought them all. I later found out that perks had to be learned from leveling characters up to 40, of course I started with baby meg for SB. Right now, I have all Survivor perks and Killer perks. I stopped having fun playing Survivor and went on to play killer and loved playing killer more then playing Survivor... that is until I got to rank 11+. The pallets, the looping,Losing Bloodlust during a chase, Survivors SOMEHOW running the same speed as killers running against the wall, f****** invisible Claudette, and of course the meta peaks. Don't even get me started on how toxic survivors can be after a game being threatened to being reported for catching them. Being at Rank 1 is the worse place to be as a killer.

Needless to say, I went back to the older forum posts and found out literally the same problems from a year and a half ago are STILL a massive problem NOW. Playing killer is not fun, its stressful even with perks worth a damn. Lastly, I Just wanted to say I literally CANNOT believe they released a killer WORSE than Freddy (Legion). I hate how Freddy can't barely to stop the survivors from healing a downed survivor right in FRONT of him and I can't do anything about it. Freddy is weak AF but to release a killer that is small and slow, a worthless power, can't down survivors easily. I am done with a game with a great concept but terrible design.


  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    My advice: learn to play billy and nurse, watch good killer like tru3. Sometimes you need to jump on Nurse and slaughter survivors just so you can take the suffering of low tier killers.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Just do as I did and switch to Survivor.

  • ZeroGaiden
    ZeroGaiden Member Posts: 11

    I played both Billy and Nurse. Of course Billy more than Nurse because of the massive skillcap

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    Uh, you sound tilted. You need a break. Also the forum is only about half a year old, so...

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Sounds like you have had plenty of fun and hours out of the game.

    Nothing lasts forever. Nothing wrong with moving on to another game when you are tired of the current one.

    And who knows after a break you may come back refreshed?

  • ZeroGaiden
    ZeroGaiden Member Posts: 11

    Maybe I should said steam forums... (yea prob a good idea lol). As for taking a break, I don't know. I enjoy the game that's without a doubt but to deal with all that is troublesome. I would like to stay killer but the problems are too big right now.

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  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2019

    You're probably gonna get a lot of people bashing on you for how ranting this was, but you are completely correct. Essentially the same awful game balance we had 2 years ago still persists today. They have done a little to improve it but barely. The game is still not even close to balanced. Unless you're playing nurse or billy you're gonna have a bad time if the survivors are swf or even just slightly competent. All the other killers rely on survivors mistakes and playing badly. If they don't mess up, there's nothing you can do. As if that wasn't painful enough to feel helpless, you'll also get tbagged, flashlight flicked and taunted till the games over and then trash talked in after chat.

    Meanwhile you can play survivor and basically eat some pizza while watching some tv mid game with how easy and relaxed it is. If you mess up don't worry, you get multiple second chances as survivor.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    @ZeroGaiden said:
    Maybe I should said steam forums... (yea prob a good idea lol). As for taking a break, I don't know. I enjoy the game that's without a doubt but to deal with all that is troublesome. I would like to stay killer but the problems are too big right now.

    See how it goes.

    I feel your frustration. My personal pattern with this game is that I take breaks and then come back to it – usually during an event or new killer.

    (Although I’m finding that the breaks are becoming longer and the time spent playing getting shorter….)

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Killers aren't as weak as they were at the start of 2018. Its just a matter of getting better. I think the game is currently in an alright spot right now and only a few tweaks need to be made to better balance out each side. It's not that bad as it was before. Sure some things are really strong right now but they will eventually get changed for the better. It's just a matter of time
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Myerinodudd said:
    You should git gut if u think killers are weak

    Coming from the guy who thinks Michaels wall hack add on is OP and needs removed lol.

  • Faceless
    Faceless Member Posts: 121

    killers have sooooo many privilegies

    you just tilt.

    git gud

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    From a Business standpoint I get why the Game and the Devs are more favorable of the Survivors, They need 80% of the player base to be survivors after all. But It does suck that Killers get the short end of the stick, Personally I find survivor repetitive so I stick with Killer but lately I've been finding myself playing 1 maybe 2 matches a day before I get fed up and close the game.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    If you think killers are weak now you should have seen what existed in 2016. The best way to approach killer is to focus on Blood Points, not kills. The kills will come but survivors have to make mistakes. You just have to learn how to take advantage of those mistakes. Try to have fun and just do your best and ignore the things that would normally make you upset. I took a 9-month break and came back with a new attitude and it is fun to play again.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    A couple of things that might help:

    Understand this game is not truly competitive. There is no actual win-lose criteria. Go into the game with a casual mindset, as killer or survivor and the stress lessens.

    Toxic survivors go out of their way to be toxic. Use it to your advantage. Ignore them. They get clicky with flashlights, walk away. They try looping you, walk away. They go tbag crazy, walk away. They will go scrambling to find you and they will make a mistake.

    Toxic messages are only toxic if you allow them. If you respond, you give them acknowledgement and encourage them more. If you are playing via PS4, ignore, report and block. Method that serves me well.

    As for the status of certain killers, I wish I could offer advice but sadly cannot there. Best I can say is pray they buff those less than stellar killers.

    I been playing since PS4 launch so I understand your frustration. I stopped playing competitive and now take a more laid back approach to the game and it has greatly increased the fun I have in game.

  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2019
    Complaining about rank 11 survivors..... Definitely new and you play on ps4 which has the lowest survival rate for survivors out of the other 2 platforms .
  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Yay, A crybaby less in this game ..

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I haven't gotten to rank 1 yet for time reasons, but I got close. I understand how stressful it can be, but I still enjoy playing killer, survivors are very strong but I don't feel like they are too op right now, I think it all comes down to skill at this point, if you are good at mind games you will probably have the upper hand. Also you will need to understand which pallets are safe or not, and destroy the safe pallets, try to block infinite loops if you can. And, even if you don't like it as much now, play survivor at high ranks, this would help you understand how they think and react, so you will have more success as killer as well, the same works the opposite way (At least for me)

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    My advice: learn to play billy and nurse, watch good killer like tru3. Sometimes you need to jump on Nurse and slaughter survivors just so you can take the suffering of low tier killers.

    Hag, Myers, Clown, Wraith and Spirit are also great killers to win.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,804
  • Causticwit75
    Causticwit75 Member Posts: 32

    I'm sorry you feel that way, but aside from current bugs with the engine....It's never been easier to play Killer. Sorry, but it's true. Survivors have fallen far from where they were 2 years ago, refusal to acknowledge that doesn't make it untrue.

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  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,447

    I agree that killer is more stressful, since you are on a time limit and mistakes as a killer get usually much more punished. A few mistakes can heavily impact the outcome of the game.
    However, killers, aside from the low tier killers like Freddy or Trapper, are no longer underpowered. Definitely not.

  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    Why so many people get so angry, emotional and etc ? It's just a game. Sometimes I meet stupid survivors, sometimes stupid killers, I receive stupid messages, but does it really matter that much ?
    If you don't like Legion and Freddy, play another killer.
    I meet toxic players in every online game, same with receiving stupid messages and etc.
    Does your post actually says that you are angry at survivors because they use whatever to win like meta perks ? So you want to forbid these perks or what ? Do you also want to forbid mori because that bothers survivors ?

    Look, I don't want to offend you, but there are so many rants in the forum about this and I don't think it's as bad as you say.

  • ZeroGaiden
    ZeroGaiden Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2019

    Look, Killers are supposed to be the power player in this game yet it's the survivors who control the match. Gens get done so fast with 1 survivor taunting and the other 3 doing gens with chase lasting 2 to 3 minutes on the right map with pallet knowledge and loops. Getting 1 hook with 3 gens popping with 2 left is is terrible.

    There is nothing killers can do but deal with it. I got to rank 1 multiple times mainly because I play a lot of killer and it's terrible to be at rank 1 because you deal with a lot of stress. I play Trapper, Billy, Pig, Myers, Doctor with Leatherface being my fav since lots of swf love to rush the hook and I can just down 2 or literally the whole team with the chainsaw. As for Meta perks, from my research it seems like the Devs know already the perks survivors have are massively OP compared to Killer meta perks but too scared to do anything about them because they're afraid of survivor backlash but don't give or buff any killer perks to deal with it

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    killers can mindgame the survivor if you think that survivors are op then mate you need to improve asap