Bluegoo Member Posts: 2

Do BHVR realize that by making the drops Fog Whisperer exclusive they're just breeding even more resentment for the elitist attitude a lot of people feel from the program?

Currently there are 0 Fog Whisperers streaming DBD, so I'm at the mercy of them waiting for one of them to decide to let the plebs earn the drops.

Not to mention all the other people streaming DBD getting the constant questions of why they aren't getting progress, causing issues for anyone else streaming the game.

BHVR really don't know how to think ahead do they.


  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    Well they can do whatever they want, I've seen other drops for other games limited to streamers who were in a similar program for that game as well, though it was more like one of three drops being exclusive to them and the others could be earned on any channel.

    For me it turned out more as a show-off of how embarrassing their fog whisperer program is at the moment. Some even haven't been streaming the game for years but are still in the list of fog whisperers, others may still play but no longer as their main game and with longer breaks. Then there are streamers who really deserve it because of their positive attitude, their helpful explanations and game tipps and their refreshingly normal personality and they are just being ignored.

    I did get my drops from a fog whisperer channel I had muted in a background tab while I was watching a far better and more enjoyable DbD streamer who would love to be fog whisperer but probably won't ever be. They really need to weed out their current list, particularly among non-English DbD streamers, and get in the ones that are dedicated and enjoyable to watch.