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Xenomorph Turret Station Bug in Mother's Dwelling

Platform: Steam
Description: When playing as the Xenomorph in the Mother's Dwelling map, exiting the Turret Station that spawns upstairs on the main building's terrace (Tile: Main_House_01) leads to the Xenomorph's body getting stuck partially inside the floor and being unable to move.
Steps to reproduce: As described above, by simply exiting the specific Turret Station Xenomorph will get stuck.
Frequency of occurrence: Very frequent, if it happens once in a match then it seems to repeat every time that a Xenomorph player attempts to exit that Turret Station. Might be more frequent (?) if exiting in Crawler Mode.
Graphics Settings:
Quality: Low
Auto-adjust: Off
Screen Res: 100%
Screen Size: 1920x1080
Fullscreen Mode: Windowed Fullscreen
16:9 Aspect Ratio: Off
VSync: Off
FPS Limit: 60
Anti-aliasing: TAA
FSR Sharpness: 100%