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How to fix EAC error code 4?

ywnzzns Member Posts: 1

I've occasionally been kicked out of random games due to error code 4, that isn't new but it would always be the occasional game after a few days or weeks of being completely fine but ever since the new DND update, specifically the past week or so, I've been getting kicked out every few games I play and it's become frustrating and genuinely unplayable due the matchmaking lock the game puts me under because of my "disconnecting."

Is there any ways to fix this? I play on steam, every time it kicks me out i right click my DBD and go to properties and verify my files integrity and yet that doesn't do anything to fix it. I've done a basic scan on my ram using windows memory diagnostic and nothing came up. I've used windows command prompt and used "sfc /scannow" and it did say something was corrupt but it fixed it, I was hopeful but i'm still getting kicked out so that doesn't fix it either. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game too that didn't fix it. I went to my program files and to the easy anti cheat folder under steam too and ran the easy anti cheat application and installed the anti cheat application too… and when I ran the game again after that, it crashed on my first game whilst loading into the map which is somehow worse and now i'm on a 24 hour lock out of the game….

Does anyone developer or player have any other things that it could be or to help fix? i've tried pretty much all the fixes that I could find online about it that doesn't involve opening up my pc? Or is anyone else also experiencing being kicked out of games repeatedly since this update so I know it's not only me having this happen to?

All I want to do is play the anniversary event and get a bunch of cobblers but this is super disheartening and I don't know how to fix it because the game is almost unplayable for me in this current state.. I went from 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hr, 6 hr to 24 hour lock outs to playing.

If any developer sees this too please could you reconsider matchmaking locks for people who were forcibly disconnected from games by the game itself, there's a difference between willingly disconnecting because a game isn't going your way and then the game kicking me out, giving me this code and locking me out for ridiculous penalties for something that is out of my control.
