Freddy's dream world

Brutha Member Posts: 178

Freddy's dream world changes almost nothing gameplay wise, it makes maps brighter for not only Freddy but also the survivors. there is almost nothing that makes survivors feel like they NEED to wake up, waking up seems almost optional due to Freddy's snares/pallets being pretty avoidable/counter-able if you know what you're doing. The only reason I see for survivors to wake up is to not be oblivious and be able to hear the terror radius but Freddy's lullaby is already the same radius as his terror radius so they still know when he's close. Maybe his dream world could have thick steam/fog like it used to but only from the survivors pov? Or there could be the sound of pipes and steam blowing out as a noise distractions? Just something more than changing the skybox color.


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,225
    edited June 16

    I really liked the old vibe of the Dream World. It felt like you were in a different dimension with all the fog. It still looks pretty cool but it's nowhere near as cool as it used to be.

    The whole dynamic of Survivors being safe while awake but unable to escape Freddy's watch, fearing an ambush from any direction while asleep is probably the #1 thing I miss about his pre-rework form. I miss being able to watch the whole team at once and sneak up from weird angles.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,215
    edited June 16

    it was closer to a looming nightmare that you never know when he'll strike. I suspect his aura reading might return. Weave attunement tells me that.

    He used to have add-on's to slow healing and repair speed when in dream world. it was an incentive to wake up. They got nerfed along with his snares. He is remained the same ever since.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited June 16

    Yup, Freddy's power is the most underwhelming and weakest power in the game in my opinion - and it's not even close.

    Onryo, who I would argue is the closest to Freddy in terms of their powers, at least forces me to run across the map for video tapes or risk an instant mori. Freddy though? 'Oh no, I'm asleep. I guess I'll just enjoy the brighter map and keep doing what I'm doing.' Heck, I even feel like survivor's waking me up is a waste of time, his power just doesn't threaten me at all.

    If they want some low effort changes to genuinely make Freddy scary, remove his terror radius entirely and replace it with his lullaby when awake. When asleep, the lullaby is removed and the survivor is oblivious until they wake up. Change his add-ons to unique sleep effects like giving asleep survivors the OoO perk effect where the killer and survivor auras are revealed to each other for 3s every 30s.

    Freddy's strength would be in sneak attacks and map control, with the weak anti-loop he has now as a secondary tool when he actually needs to chase.

    I can dream.

    And to anyone curious, you could counter this version of Freddy with OoO, Fogwise, Kindred, Still Sight, waking up, etc.
    Since you're just oblivious and he's not undetectable, all killer aura-reading perks would work against him. Especially if they give that OoO perk effect to Freddy when asleep, giving you small glimpses of him for free regardless.