Disable Memento Moris on Events.

No killer should be able to tunnel and remove a player from the event simply because they brought a mori.
….if the killer is tunneling, wouldn't that remove the survivor anyway?
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Mori has nothing to do with that. It's just fancy finishing animation when you are allready dead.
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People still get mad at mori nowaday ?
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Killers shouldn’t even be allowed to play events!
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Can we all just stop complaining?
Peoplw bring what people bring and people play the way they are allowed.
When playing killer, I also dislike to face 2 bnp + 2 syringes and a map offering. But if that's what the devs enable, I'm can respect their decision, although I don't agree with it.
The mori is only good for two things. To negate a ds upon death hook and to preserve one hook on the map. That's it.
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But im farming survivor points.
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Mori offerings only do anything on death hook so I don't see how the mori offering is changing much
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Whats the difference? I'm pretty sure remote-hooking is quicker anyways, so the killer is even wasting time with the mori xD
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They only counter ds that's not pig problem. But I would be fine disabling all offerings expect cakes for anniversary so everyone gets lot of bp. As there is nothing more annoying than players bringing puddlings or escape cakes.
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Why should a mori be bannable? You're on death hook anyway, the mori is irrelevant
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Ah yes killer mains shouldn't be allowed to even exist, or vote, or even breathe
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Most killers waste more time performing a mori than they would carrying a survivor to a hook. With remote hooking they ALL waste time now.
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Weird. I love getting the mori from my favorite killers 😆