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General Discussions

The killer doesn't tunnel. Now what?

Member Posts: 769
edited June 2024 in General Discussions

Just slight curiosity coming from a killer main that tries their best to not tunnel. Up to the point of completely ignoring someome that was unhooked even if no one else is around. Yet I still get the 4k so the question I'm asking is if survivors still find blame somewhere?

Slugging never happened. Maybe the perks I'm running or the particular or perhaps the killer? Perhaps it naturally just falls to their teammates or is it all of the above? I suppose the point I'm getting at is how do people still find a reason to complain when the killer played fairly?

It's a stupid question. That much I do know.

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  • Member Posts: 637

    Well it probably means you’re a very good killer for starters!

    Regarding those who will complain still, sadly that is always gonna be the case for every game and every role - survivor and killers.

    Sometimes it’s just momentary salt and sometimes it might just be the way some people are. Don’t let it bother you.

    You’re obviously super talented so if you’re getting lots of 4Ks, there will probably just be a higher ratio of people getting salty because they lost and making excuses (both sides) is just that.

    I play on Nintendo Switch so I don’t have end game chat etc but if your getting lots of messages from people saying stuff that is accusing you, maybe it is best to turn it off for your own wellbeing.


  • Member Posts: 110

    It’s very sad how some people think, like the previous comment.

    I try and play like you as killer also. I don’t just want to ‘win’ I want to be fair and have a decent game.

    I personally think slugging/tunnelling/full aura just reflects low-skill.

    People will always moan, just turn that chat off :)

  • Member Posts: 110

    It’s sad/unfortunate you think it’s a ‘baiting’ post. It’s a shame people are so cynical, I thought it was perfectly legitimate.

  • Member Posts: 2,070
    edited June 2024

    You didn't answer any of my questions.

    Is a 100 % win steak normal?

    If it is, would that indicate a game imbalance?

    If a game imbalance allows for a guaranteed win in a pvp game, is that not something people should complain about?

    Does a 100% kill rate with no camping, tunneling, or slugging match your killer experience? I play very fairly and don't have near that record.

  • Member Posts: 110
    edited June 2024

    No, but I’m not sure that was their emphasis as such. I didn’t read it as 100% on all games.

    Killers win most games, that’s just a fact. Perks are more favourable for killer.

    I play 50/50, fairly as possible and I want other players to enjoy the game. I rarely get a DC due to my behaviour as a killer.

    I probably win 70/80% 4K without any of the obnoxious gameplay, and I don’t run aura. If I do it’s a side-effect of an add-on.

    It’s unimpressive that people just care more about points and being ugly towards other people with things they say/do (not suggesting you do that).

    This game isn’t balanced at all and varies across maps etc for both sides.

    I still don’t think this was a baiting post, just enquiry.

    edit: reading again, I read it just as a single game example.

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    See that makes more sense, I didn't consider it as a single game example either until you mentioned it.

    But I think what you mentioned is the answer to op then: that sometimes you just lose the game and go next.

    Sometimes you can learn from mistakes and get better, but it doesn't necessarily have to be blaming the game or even focusing on losses.

    When I play survivor I want fun gameplay and chases, and didn't really care if I lose that game.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I think you are taking it too literally what they mean getting 4K:s is that they still get them most of time. Even tunneling does not give you 100% kill rate unless you play nurse/blight and are level of supalf or momo.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Personally, playing as you do is the best way to get better at the game. Not tunnelling meams finding other ways to keep the survivors on their toes, but most importantly it boosts creativity, experience, knowledge and generally better performance.

  • Member Posts: 51

    This is sort of my playstyle too. I play huntress mostly (I am a survivor main but enjoy her every little detail) and I don't tunnel. Instead either I slug a person (because I don't wanna rush hook them but if it comes to it it happens) or I give them a sort of grace period. Which is either around 30 seconds, and the next bump in costs them or until I hook someone else. So in a matter sometimes tunneling appears as a side effect but it's never a main playstyle for me.

    Maybe it's me and my conscience stopping me from it but I know how it feels to be tunneled over and over and over again so I try to avoid it to an extent.

    And my games are pretty varied. Sometimes they effectively work against themselves, sometimes I get so ran over I just blink with wide eyes and think "What the hell happened?". But no matter I accept what happens.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    If it's not the killer, its the perks. If its not the perks its the map. If it's not the map, it's RRNG.if it's not rng, it's the survivors.

    Blame can always bring cast If you maintain a limited perspective however many people play both sides and even enjoy watching twitch vods of people they played with watching twitch helps you look at your own gameplay and that of everyone else's more objectively and helps you go "yeah I sure messed up there eh"

    There are other ways to be evil than tunneling, anyway. I personally love hooking all the survivors once ad Cenobite and watch them all scream under Plaything+Face the Darkness technically I should be a saint, gentleman and scholar all things considered :p

  • Member Posts: 769

    Yes. It was a post made in a single game context. I did state that the question was stupid and realistically was only an idle thought. The thing is, is that I don't really get messages and being console don't see the end game chat. I wanted to perhaps know that while trying to play fair, will people still find a way to be bitter? Why bother playing fair when they'll still hate you for something else? Obviously thinking too deeply but it's nice to have a place to put it.

  • Member Posts: 768
    edited June 2024

    The killer doesn't tunnel. Now what?

    "GG fair killer, WP." whatever your perks or killer you have played.
    Then go next.

  • Member Posts: 29

    As a killer main I always find it sad that the killers I face when I play Survivor are almost all playing the same way tunneling, camping, and slugging. It gets to the point where I only play one or two matches as a survivor before switching back to killer so I can give the survivors a fair chance to enjoy the game. How can anyone think it's fun to just knock everyone down and let them bleed out at 5 gens? I have had survivor teams give up on hook because they suspect I'm going to do the same thing as the other killers they face so I don't have a fun time either when that happens.

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