Remove End game chat

Dear Behaviour,
First of all thank you for a great game, it has been a pillar of the horror community for many years and hopefully more years to come. However I see a glaring issue with the game that - in the years I have dedicated to playing this game - feel us unhealthy for the community.
End game chat, most of the time it's used to either say the disingenuous "gg" or to spew hatred. I understand there is an option to "minimise" the chat but I don't think that's enough, I would like an option to [or completely remove] End game chat, the community doesn't need it and it holds no actual purpose.
You yourself, can remove endgame chat
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"yes you can minimise it but it isn't enough"
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Why is it not enough? I thought once minimized it only shows up again when you click on it again?
But sure I am always in favor for more options for the user to decide on... Give us a button to not show endgame chat, one to mute specific players, an in game whisper chat with specific players, more graphics options like view distance, view distance quality, the ability to change key bindings without having the need to still have several things on the same key, for example vaulting and jumping in a locker... This game just lacks so many things that were the standard 15 years ago and it is embarrassing to have a rather modern game get beaten in that regard by 20 old games, because they have more options for the player to customize...
However I am against entirely removing endgame chat, just let everyone decide for themselves if they want to see it.
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When not? Fact you can hide it makes this your problem. You can't handle even GG... Maybe single player games would be better choice?
There is no need to force it on everyone, I am fine with way worse messages, I am more annoyed it's not possible disable profanity filter...
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Same that trash filter barely works and I think people should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they want to read such things...
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But I find it funny to be completely "destroyed" by the poor ace thinking he's god after he tbagged me and died xD
Jokes aside (well kind of, I really find it funny xD), I really enjoy to talk to people at the end. Sure there are a lot of people just completely throwing tantrums, but there are also people you can talk to and have a nice chat.
That's why I think it should stay and you can just minimize it
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Yeah you will oftentimes get nice chats, but I also appreciate the complete lunatic tantrums people throw, quite hilarious how mad someone can get over a game and how creative they are with their insults ^^
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Yes it's quite funny, they often don't even realize how little sense they things they say make xD
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Indeed ^^
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I do agree it can be minimized and all, but I'd also like them to make commendations a thing as well.
Take that thumbs up hidden in the report section and slap it next to each player's endgame card. Let players see how many commendations they get. Then I can fully ignore the endgame chat and thumbs up anyone I think did good.
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I like this idea. Would give Switch players the ability to thank their teammates and the Killer for a fun game too.
Personally, I leave the chat window closed all the time anyway. The number of nice interactions that I've had tend to be rare compared to the not so nice ones.
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Nah, consoles don't get the end game chat so why should PC?
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I love the duality of many consolers begging for this chat to be added, while some of our PC cousins are asking for it to be removed completely. 😂🤣
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Lol I never once seen this rare moment of a "nice chat" 99% the end game chat is either gg or some toxic #########. Personally when someone says gg they never mean it. It something ppl say bc they feel like they have to, it not like they actually mean it. Actually I find gg pretty insulting when the game was in fact not a good game. The last thing I want to see is a group of survivors who clearly beat my ass say "ggs" at the end of a match. This is why I never say ggs. I just hit the next button and go into the next match.
Either way I do agree I don't think end chat should be removed but I also think it adds absolutely no value to the game. Console players don't even have it after all they doing just fine.
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We should remove the 'insults' bannable offense, and default to opt-in chat. There would be an option in the menus to have chat be toggle-on/off/on, and toggle-on is the default option.
Insults is just the most absurd ban reason, because all it boils down to is people calling others a 'poo-poo head' on the internet (with different words). If being called a 'poo-poo head' is too difficult for someone to manage, they can have chat default off, or click one of like 5 different buttons to end it (continue/close chat/emblems screen/exit game), it's not difficult.
We have Nurse sexually caressing her strangulation victims, Plague/Singularity melting people's faces off, Pinhead flaying people, and more. If a player can handle murder/mutilation/molestation, I think they can handle somebody calling someone else the equivalent of stinky. If the game is M-rated, the chat should be M-rated. (Alternatively we could E-rate the gameplay to match by having everyone be My Little Oni sized, Killers bearhug singing 'rock-a-bye-baby' instead of hitting Survivors, Survivors get put in baby carseats instead of on hooks, and have vomit be rainbow glitter 'YAY's instead.)
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Well like already written above I also have my fun with people that are absolutely toxic and can't loose, they are funny to chat with xD
Yeah you're right the nice chats are rarer than toxic, but they exist. The chance of getting them is it worth to let the chat exist for me.
To the "ggs": I write "ggs ^^" after every single match just to be nice, the result doesn't matter aswell as the people I played against, I'll always do it. I don't find it insulting in anyway personally and even if anyone feels that way I just don't care. It's not my task to teach them to interprete it right, if they feel insulted it's their own fault, it wasn't my intention so I don't care what they say to that.
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I'd rather them give me an option to remove the filter.
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can't u just go next?