Thoughts on the old iron will coming to 100 percent silent

board24jason123 Member Posts: 70
edited June 20 in General Discussions

I miss iron will so much as a meta in the old dbd now I can finally run it with lucky break and overcome. Hell I could even combine it with Plot twist and have a medkit just in case. And god forbid I hope killers don’t complain about it like they did when they reverted DS and now they nerfed it again.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,514

    I think it’s good because they couldn’t deliver on leveling all survivors to the same volume (yet?). Some survivors are just borderline hardmode just because of the injured noises.

    But then again, it shouldn’t be completely unconditional as it’s very strong (I don’t remember if the not-exhausted condition was still a thing?)

    Also, they need to buff light-footed so that it’s a good alternative to iron will (it needed a buff before iron will tbh)

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,331

    even at 75% you could use some mindgames to escape chases by crouching at the right times to make the injured sounds nearly silent. now it'll just be back to survivors no longer even breathing while injured which is really dumb. on top of footsteps being inconsistent at best. I haven't been enjoying the event mode as killer due to losing chases to the quiet mode spell all the time, so this is not exciting to see.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 535

    I'd rather have the exhaust stipulation removed so I can pair it with Overcome, that'd be the true anti tunnel build.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,537

    I think it is a good change, the exhaustion requirement is fine, but I also thought the perk was fine without it. Maybe we will see it more often now.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 482

    Considering how low the bar is for survivor perks is atm I think Iron Will absolutely becomes meta if this goes through and I welcome that.

    Made for This showed us that if a perk is strong enough it's worth losing access to exhaustion perks in return and I think complete silence while injured is a strong enough trade that it'll be common to see.

    I do wonder if we're heading for a stealth meta with something like Iron Will/Distortion/Windows/Adren becoming the norm with some babysitter sprinkled in because I could see that perk becoming the new BT.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,698

    It’s still got the exhaustion requirement so I think it’s fair to bring it back.

    We already have OtR removing 100% of sounds frequently and that hasn’t caused any issues so I don’t think Iron Will be that much of issue now.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,163

    Off the record doesnt last whole match though. Old iron will was and will be a problem. You don't need to have an exhaust perk if you hide all match.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,379
    edited June 21

    And people used to use it with Dead Hard, which is an exhaustion perk, because the survivor has full control on when dead hard is used. The perk should inflict exhaustion, to prevent this combo from happening.

    And now people will use it with background player too, which is also an exhaustion perk.

  • RedPoncho12
    RedPoncho12 Member Posts: 155

    yeah, I think it should perma exhaust if you’re running IW. I really like the idea of using one or the other with iron will and exhaustion perks. I want old IW back especially since I don’t ever use exhaustion perks anyway. They feel like too much of a crutch at times for me and aren’t really my play style.