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Killer Picked Up One Survivor, Could Not Drop, Picked Up 2nd Survivor

DadByDaylight186 Member Posts: 1
edited June 2024 in Bug Reporting

Platform: Console (I am on Steam but I only observed what happened between two other console players, in Spectator mode (I was dead)).

We played a game last night (friend and I with two randoms) on Autohaven Wreckers. The killer was Pyramid head. The killer picked up my friend (playing as Dwight). Dwight filled the struggle meter 100% but could not break free. Killer continued to carry Dwight around for many minutes while Dwight continued to pass skill checks to fill the struggle meter. The killer downed a 2nd Survivor and was able to pick them up while still holding Dwight. Killer was able to drop second Survivor while still holding Dwight. The problem never resolved itself, the Killer eventually DC'd. Short clip below but I have the full VOD if needed.

Post edited by EQWashu on
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