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6 rework perk ideas for the killers (my proposals)

pandorayr Member Posts: 597
edited January 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

-Thanatophobia (currently he is weak I think he needs small changes)
Their courage fades in the face of their undeniable mortality.
All Survivors receive penalties to Repair, Healing and Sabotage speeds for each Injured , Dying or hooked Survivor.
1 Injured, Dying or hooked Survivor: 6 % reduced action speed.
2 Injured, Dying or hooked Survivors: 9 % reduced action speed.
3 Injured, Dying or hooked Survivors: 12 % reduced action speed.
4 Injured, Dying or hooked Survivors: 15 % reduced action speed.
All survivors receive a penalty speed adictional to Repair, Healing and Sabotage from 4% for each survivor killed or sacrificed.

-Insidious (great disadvantage if survivors can hear the killer's breathing)
By standing still for 3 seconds, you reduce your Terror Radius to 0 metres and thus become stealthy until you move or act again.
Breathing of killers are reduced by 100 %.

-Unrelenting (probably worst perk in the game)
You recuperate faster from missed attacks made with your main weapon.
The cool-down of missed attacks is reduced by 35 %.
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
Every time you chase your Obsession and let them escape, you receive a Token up to a maximum of 3 Tokens.
Each Token decreases your cooldown missed attacks by 4,5,6 %.
Each attacking successful in your Obsession will make you lose a token.
You can no longer gain Tokens if your Obsession is sacrificed or killed.
Only one Obsession per trial.

-Surveillance (Many players has requested changes)
Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability by generators.
All regressing Generators will be highlighted by a white Aura for 20 seconds.
Once regression ends all survivors within 10 metres of the Generator will be revealed for 4 seconds.

-Whispers (my idea is weaken Whispers for each sacrificed survivor and give a chance to repair and escape for the last survivor)
You have a rudimentary understanding of the Entity 's voice.
Sporadically hear the Entity's Whisper when standing within a 24 metres of a Survivor.
For each survivor killed or sacrificed Whispers detect survivors within a maximum range of 24/32/42 metres for each killed or sacrificed Survivor.

-Spies From The Shadows
The Crows found in the world can communicate directly with you.
100 % of the time, cawing Crows give you a visual cue when you are within a range of 36 metres.

¿What do u think?

Post edited by pandorayr on


  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited January 2019

    thanatophobia wont happend the reason its called "fear of death" i believe its called so this perk combine with dying light... so its no sorry but i think its not useless and its not weak unrelenting wont happend the reason its combine with save the best for last its gonna be a machine gun build so no, surveillance its good right now i saw the ptb and they did a good job, whispers its not weak its good if you dont find a survivor its kinda youre fault, spies from the shadows now this perk its good on the ptb good buff and the insious why just why

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Surviellance I'm actually excited to test out when the rework comes live... 

    Unrelenting is prettymuch the noob perk

    Whispers is perfect 

    Spies I wanna test out as well

    Insidious would actually be a decent change maybe 

    And thanatophobia well..... idk 
  • Billhilly
    Billhilly Member Posts: 34
    I wish, devs could bring back unrelenting as it was.
  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    From top to bottom:
    Thana - I suggest watching Space Coconut's perk study on Thanataphobia. He brings up the point that a lot of people bring up which is that Thana lasting after a Survivor has died would be insanely unfun if combined with Dying Light. There are honestly too many perks that slow the game down and they need to all be looked at so that they don't overlap too much and end up being overpowered.
    Insidious - Suddenly mandatory on Mirror Michael. Suddenly Basement Leatherface has very little if any counters.
    Unrelenting - Please holy ######### ######### no don't add an obession mechanic to this perk the obession mechanic is the most flawed thing in this entire game. Unrelenting serves its use as a baby training perk and it works well in combination with Spirit. It doesn't need to be viable at high ranks because it then becomes OP at low ranks.
    Surveillance - Already being changed (read PTB)
    Whispers - Doesn't need changes.
    Spies - Literally the PTB changes.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    @Billhilly said:
    I wish, devs could bring back unrelenting as it was.

    they wont do that did you forget the machine gun build? it destroys the game for survivors

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Tru3Lemon said:

    @Billhilly said:
    I wish, devs could bring back unrelenting as it was.

    they wont do that did you forget the machine gun build? it destroys the game for survivors

    I the best way to fix Unrelenting without creating the Machine Gun build is combine it with Save The Best For Last and keep all perentages as is. I made a thread about it, don't remember who commented on it so if you did my bad for bringing it up to you specifi8cally lol

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I think Insidious should get a completely NEW effect, get rid of the Terror Radius thing for something completely different, what that is could be anything so the debate on that could be anything.