Quality of Life and Other Possible Changes

There are a few quality of life changes that I think should be implemented. I have over 5000 hours in the game and almost 23 devotion. I feel like I've played enough to know what I'd love to see changed. Please see below :)

  1. The ability to trade/sell unwanted bloodweb items for either bloodpoints or other higher addons. No one needs 3000 brown medkits. Those could be traded for a fraction of the bloodpoints spent on them or several of them could be traded for a higher level medkit. (Suggested by ManiactheMel)
  2. The ability to see your progress in the game in each of the 4 categories. This could either always be on the top right or maybe even toggled on or off for those who do not want to see it. They flash by so fast that I never get to see what I need to do in order to get the most bloodpoints I can. (Suggested by me)
  3. Organize perks in categories. For instance, exhaustion perks, healing perks, etc. (Suggested by SharkyShark413)
  4. For killers who slug multiple survivors, make it so after maybe 2 or 3 minutes, that survivor can get off of the ground. This makes crawling away and hiding more viable and will change the meta to include perks like tenacity. (Suggested by me)
  5. Introduce some kind of penalty for survivors that hide the entire game and don't do objectives, especially when there are only 2 survivors left. (Suggested by me)
  6. Perk Randomizer in the main game for both survivors and killers. It would be very fun for streaming. (Suggested by me)
  7. The ability to see teammate survivor perks and addons so that non-SWF solo players can have the same advantage as a SWF team. (Suggested by me)
  8. Raise the Bloodpoint cap to enough to Prestiege 3 a character 4 to 5 million. This would help for when BHVR comes out with a new character that we really want to play! (Suggested by me)
  9. More rewards! With Prestiege going up to 100, it would be nice to have more bloodpoints to spend! (Suggested by me).
  10. Passive challenges every day (similar to what is in Overwatch)… where you get these rewards just for playing several games in the day (Suggested by me).


  • SharkyXShark413
    SharkyXShark413 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    these are all great! I definitely think that capping the bloodpoints higher and also organising perks will be realy beneficial, i always struggle finding perks alot, the search bar is okay but having them categorised would be way better and look more clean and sleek, and also save alot of time! Would be very user friendly

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787

    7,4 should never happen.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2024

    killer main detected

    I like the ideas! Especially no. 1 - I will never use most of my items gathered on my multiple p100s.

    3 - you can do that by search bar tho

    4 - there was something like that on PTB, people didnt like it. It was mori finisher thing. Would be cool tho, especially against billy, oni, twins

    5 - We need that!!! There is so many matches that randoms don't do gens but explore the entity's world.

    6 - we are getting chaos shuffle as permanent mode!

    7 - should be added long time ago at this point :)

    8 - That would be good for those killer farmers, which use up the points on surviviors.

    9 - Increase bloodpoints from daily quests, also make 1 quest daily for each role! maybe add some shards aswell

    10 - with some cool rewards. For example play 50 games as nea and get a banner/skin/badge

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Base kit Unbreakable is never going to be a good idea. The entire point of slugging is for pressure. If they can pick themselves up why wouldn't I just stay on the gen since my help is unnecessary?

    Slugging for pressure is fine. There's no rational reason for this change.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited June 2024

    I genuinely hope 7 never gets implemented, it carries way more cons than pros.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 374

    Wow, so many killer mains don't want perks to be shown? That's not a big deal lol. This should happen.

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 105

    I love your ideas!

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 105

    Slugging is not enjoyable game play. I win 4Ks all the time, and NEVER slug, camp, or tunnel. It can be done if you are a good enough killer.

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 105

    But what about people who don't have friends? Why should they be excluded from knowing what the groups know?

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 105

    I'm a killer too… I get 4Ks all the time… without slugging, camping, or tunneling. It's a skill issue if they can't do the same. lol