Object of Obsession Buff

Simply remove the part of the perk where your aura is revealed every 30 seconds. The perk lights up whenever your aura is being read and you see the killer's aura whenever they see yours.
Optionally you could have the 30 second aura reveal replaced with something the player has more control over. in situations where you are last player standing and need to get an unhook/pickup a slug the 30 second aura reveal can be harmful. If unhooking a survivor or picking up a slug revealed your aura automatically instead then the perk could also be used as a sort of anti-tunnel perk as they'd likely chase the OoO user since they can see them.
I actually really like the aura every 30 seconds with object and would prefer they buff it rather than outright remove it, ie. make it so the 2 way aura reveal is manually activated while in chase with secondary ability button (reassurance button) and then put that particular action on cooldown for 40 seconds or so.
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Weave attunement is best buff Object of obsession could ever get...