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Slugging at 5 gens is unnecessary.



  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 118

    Killers should have more skill than needing to rely on toxic strategies. If you can't get a 1 - 4K without slugging, tunneling, or camping, then you just suck.

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 118

    There really needs to be a way to combat slugging. One perk is not enough - it needs to be base kit that you can pick yourself back up. I don't give two sh!ts what killer mains have to say - slugging should not be a viable strategy.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    And same can be said to anyone losing to those strategy

    Being slugged is clearly a lack of skills, not being able to counter camping is obviously a skill issue, and tunneling is only a problem if you down so fast, it's all survivors "just suck"

    Survivors should have more skill than needing to rely on "fair matches", aka killers not playing seriously, I mean asking for other sides to intentionally play poorly in PvP game is really ridiculous

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 118

    When I'm the killer, I don't need to rely on slugging, camping or tunneling to get a 4K. Only crap killers need to do that.

    And to call it a skill issue, when you A.) Can't pick yourself up, so you have to rely on your teammates to avoid slugging, B.) There is nothing that can prevent tunneling - if the killer wants you out, the best you can do is hope you loop them long enough they give up, and C.) TF you going to do while on a hook? Wait for the little bar to fill up slowly, and only if it decides it wants to fill up?

    A "fair match" is the killer not relying on toxic, no-skill strategies to face the survivors. I've faced plenty of killers who didn't rely on these strategies, yet were still trying. Fairness is not relying on BHVR not punishing unsportsmanlike conduct.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    but its True everytime i play nice or casual for the survivors i get bm tbagged, harassed belittled in endgame chat ive given up on being nice in general and the event and play to win any means necessary im sick and disgusted