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bloodweb / perk bug

as you can see camaraderie and fixated are both level 1. but they dont show up in my bloodweb
Do you own Steve and Nancy and have them at Prestige 1? Those are their perks. The perks were in the general pool for a while, but now that the Stranger Things characters are back the perks are no longer in the general pool, which means owning the characters (or purchasing the perks on the Shrine) is required.
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no, i dont and i did get them when they were base perks but they got added back quite a bit ago and i've prestiged characters after they were added again and they seem to be fine which is what is confusing me. + i have their other perks purple too
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The character keeps whatever tier you got for the perks while they were general pool. Now that they are no longer general pool, though, they won't show up on Bloodwebs until you regain access either through purchasing the characters or buying the perks on the Shrine.