Offering screen before match load in

RedPoncho12 Member Posts: 157
edited June 26 in General Discussions

so my buddy has this great idea and now I’m like “why the heck is this not already happened”?

he said that so people stop complaining and DCing over map offerings or because a killer didn’t bring a cake during events, and so we that get in the game a bit faster…… why not just get rid of the offering screen before the match. than once you die or the match is over THEN you can see the offerings that are in place. That way you don’t know if there is a mori, hatch/basement location offering, you got a specific map, shrouds of binding, luck, more fog, hook offerings, and even bp offerings. I think not knowing until the end is way healthier for the game

thoughts? Really curious if people would actually like this idea.


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Honestly, yeah. There's no reason this shouldn't be a thing. The only purpose the offering screen serves is to go "screw this" before the match even starts.

    Though there is one downside. In-match you're able to check who brought what offering, so this kicks the can down the road a few inches; instead of cancelled matches, we'd get more bots once the match starts. Or in the case of killers refusing to play, the game just ends - but unlike matches that never loaded, you lose your addons and offerings.

    And I do like being able to see who brought what in a match, because I exercise my right to treat players differently if they brought bloody party streamers for everyone or if they sent me to Brazil.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 347

    I agree with this! I also think that prestige should be hidden as well. It offers nothing beneficial and is often used to target someone, which is weird cause most who play the game a lot know prestige doesn’t mean anything, but yet so many p100 get tunneled out as quickly as possible.

    But yeah, I don’t see why offerings have to be displayed before the match.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Or how about just get rid of map offerings since perfect map balance will never be a thing? We all know that's the number 1 reason why people DC at the loading screen.

  • RedPoncho12
    RedPoncho12 Member Posts: 157

    I get what you’re saying but that’s also why I said you shouldn’t know what offering are used until the match ends in the same way you can’t see the killers loud out til it’s over. I totally agree though

  • RedPoncho12
    RedPoncho12 Member Posts: 157

    Nah having map offerings are great but not showing people it would be great

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    If they're gonna have achievements that require certain maps (especially the nightmare known as Outbreak Breakout), they should keep map offerings to make them more reasonable to obtain.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212

    The problem with this is that is drastically increases the power of hatch offerings. You know where the hatch is but your opponent/s don't.

  • Nos482
    Nos482 Member Posts: 40

    You just press options on controller and can still see the players names and the offerings just above the quit button. People may get a penalty but everyone loses their offerings.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Why have a lobby?

    Why have offering screen?

    Why have cosmetics?

    Why have characters?

    Why have maps?

    Why have an end screen? Just put us in queue for the next match.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That would make hatch offerings basically a free out for the last guy…

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 389

    I'd rather get rid of map offerings. They are kind of bulls***. As long as map offerings are a thing, I'm fine with people having a way out of a match that is going to be unfairly stacked against them on either the survivor or killer side