Window Vault hit validation is BROKEN!? :( Anyone else notice?

Lit Member Posts: 62
edited June 2024 in General Discussions

I've been noticing when playing both killer and survivor, that hits through window vaults are connecting when they 100% shouldn't.

Ping around 30ish, feet both firmly on ground when I'm playing as survivor and hits are connecting. I've actually had it where the killer, mid chase gets the hit stops and looks at me because they know it should not have hit.

Same when I'm playing as killer - I'm hitting survivors when they are so far over vault.

My internet connection is good, high speed etc. It certainly feels like there's something going on with the hits from killers.

Anyone else noticing this?


  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501

    I saw it on stream last night. Something is going on because I'm seeing killers getting hit when Surv is more than a few steps away from the window. It's pretty annoying when it happens.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited June 2024

    Fix your dang game BHVR

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Getting hit through a window when you definitely shouldn't has always been a thing. One of the reasons why I hate playing survivor and a frequent reason for the 4% strat to be applied.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,868

    There is no window vault hit validation. Only regular hit validation and that only kicks in in extreme cases of ping difference.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    It's been messed up for awhile. At this point I just accept it's intentional.

  • BurnedTerrormisu
    BurnedTerrormisu Member Posts: 292

    My guess is BHVR lowered the tickrate of the servers to compensate for the additional amount of players instead of adding servers.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I mean, if that's true, one of those things is a settings change, while the other is a huge investment and takes time to set up.