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small game buff, prevent the noed before it happens

hello hello boios, it is i! the guy who complained a little while ago! don't worry im not here to complain again (for the most part that is).

small game, the perk that ALMOST no one runs

Oh noed! That crutch perk that rewards reckless plays by killers with instadowns! So bad! You complain about it everyday yet you don't realize that the main reason why it happened was because of >! you and your team

  • you don't bother cleansing the totems, so when the final gens pops you give the killer a totem to activate
  • you cleanse a totem close to the final gen, causing it to move to a more hard to find location >! if i catch you doing this i will twig your eyes out
  • you didn't keep track of how many totems were cleansed, so now you don't know how many of them are left!
    These are some of the most common situations with noed activating, if only there was something to help counter noed and even prevent it from happening...

SMALL GAME! (woop woop)

That's right, for the moderate price of 13'000 bps and a perk slot, you not only get a good counter to phantasm traps and bear traps, but you also get one of the few counters to totems!
your great sixth sense has allowed you to ruin killers plans to get free kills spot danger before it happens!

  • get a noise notification when you are looking in the direction of traps, phantasm triggers and totems in a 45° angle
  • has a range of 8/10/12 meters
  • has a recharge time of 15/12/10 seconds
    this beauty of a perk does the following things:

  • prevents your shins from getting demolished by bear traps

  • prevents jumpscare from phantasm traps
  • help you find totems and hex totems for easy sweeps
  • finally, it helps find noed or even better, prevent it!
    If you are always mad over noed, look no further than this little beauty; you might think this is useless, but you don't even know how many totems you run past before you equip this thing...
    and yet, no one seems to run it (except me and those 5 other guys who do run it because they want a clean game ((you the real MVPS)))

but why should i trade away one of my precious perks for this perk!?!

oh idk, because you are the one complaing about it? don't get me wrong, i also complain about noed, but now i run small game and my life was changed!

going to the juice of things, where are you going with this?

im here to say that if people complain about noed, yet no one runs small game, i would propose the following buffs to the perk:

  • you now get a 0/4/8 meter noise reduction when breaking totems (sneaky beaky like)
  • you break totems and snap traps 3%/6%/9% faster (just a tad bit faster to get back to the things you were doing)


  • you break totems and snap traps 2%/4%/6% faster (just to not make mr evan sad)

that's really it, thank you for taking your time to read all of this, feedback would be appreciated, and remember, a killer with no noed to use makes their pain deeper and your life easy!
see you in half a month when i remember that i have an account on this thing


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    I like the idea, minus the additional cleansing speed. The noise reduction sounds like a great buff though.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I do cleanse totems when I see them, but you don't control what another person does and unless I go running around at the final gen to make sure all the totems were taken care of, I have no reason to go around already finished gens to make sure no one left any behind.

    NOED really isn't that big of a deal. It does carry killers who aren't all that great, but I honestly think it's more like Adrenaline than DS as Adrenaline is useful sometimes as NOED is only useful if survivors get hit at the end and didn't touch the totem.

    Small Game isn't typically used as it's not super helpful and there's better perks to use. If it had a little bit of a buff as you suggested, it may see more use. Honestly I don't think there should be a recharge time. It should just stay lit up if you're nearby something the way Spine Chill stays lit up if the killer is looking at you within a certain distance. Having actions quieted for anything related to the perk would be cool, though, be it for traps or for totems.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Good survivors don't seem to have a problem countering NOED when I run it. They have either cleansed all totems by the time gates pop or notice after 1 down that it's up and cleanse it.

    Bad survivors are usually dead before gates can

    Tl;dr: Good survivors constantly counter it: no perk necessary.

  • I run small game for all the reasons stated previously. I do think it needs buffing though. I like the ideas presented especially the one where it has no cool down. I would also like to see it make a different sound, depending on it being triggered by trap or totem.