Clarice walker. the shell - New killer idea
Do NOT Fear young one. I its a long description, but a good one, trust me.
Story and description
This is a female killer, 105 speed with an atleast intressting power:
Height: Tall
kinda the story: Clarice was a creative and passionate girl that had a crush on a friend of hers, but kept it to herself. she used to draw the pictures she took with her polaroid on paper after classes. one day after class 3 dudes started pickin on her and it got pretty serious, after that happened they took some pictures of her and ran away. some days passed and aways after class she got picked on. one day she tough it was enough and went to seek help to her friend. but before that happened the bullies posted her pictures on the internet saying she were a ######### and enjoyed that. Her crush, creeped out by the bullies post, pushed her aside. Desperate for her friend's suppor she tells her feeling about him, only to be laughed at and pushed more. He not only ignored her, but despied her.
That was enough, Clarice collapsed in despair and rage. She had nothing to figh for, or to fight with, no one seemed to see the true story! then she did it.
The next morning 4 people where found hanging, no notes, no nothing, just a picture of themselfs, one for each.
Apearence: Imagine her as the witch from l4d2 with blue jeans, no claws and a leather jacket with a hood.
her blonde hair covers most of her face, leaving only part of her grayish chin.
Characteristic: the shell can look down leaning her entire body foward making it so a survivor looking up is still able to see her. (so instead of nodding, she would head bang xD)
Weapon: none
polaroid memories: your presense and apearence brings despair and dismay to the people's mind. Messing with their perseption and concepts.
The power has a passive and an active effect.
If a survivor looks at clarice a "mindset" bar will apear at the right side of the screen.
if the survivor looks at clarice enough (8 seconds) he gains a token until a max of 3.
each number of tokens makes the survivor enter a different state of mind
1 tokens: Anxiety:
- •surviors screen contrast is cut in 50% and FOV moderately reduced.
2 tokens: Depression:
- •survivor's screen contrast is set to 15% and FOV gradually reduced to a point where your head covers most of the screen.
• the survivor starts crying (as if they were injured).
- •survivor's screen contrast is set to 15% and FOV gradually reduced to a point where your head covers most of the screen.
3 tokens Husk:
- •the survivors suffers a severe hindered effect making them unable to run.
•the transition to the Husk state is followed by a scream.
•the survivors screen is completely black and white and has a big red stain at the position of the survivor (this is only visible from the survivor and the the killer's Pov)
•the survivor's camera slowly turns to random close by hooks.
- •the survivors suffers a severe hindered effect making them unable to run.
- •A suvivor can get out of the Husk state by standing up for 15 seconds, gathering he's courage to keep going.
•A survivor can get out of the Depression state with help of another survivor doing a "snap him out of it" action. but he has a 10% chance of making him go to the Husk state (affected by luck). if 2 survivor try to "snap him out of it" the chances are reduced to 0.
•You can't get out of the Anxiety state.
- •A suvivor can get out of the Husk state by standing up for 15 seconds, gathering he's courage to keep going.
M1 effect:
Clarice doesn't have an attack. instead she displays a animation of her caressing the surivor, leaving a blood stain (visible by all survivors) on the survivors back forever.
- •marking a survivors adds 4 seconds to the mindset bar, but she slows down by 5% for 5 seconds and her m1 attack has a 10 seconds cooldown
•The marked survivor suffers from a 5% hindered effect. adding until 15% less speed.
•If the killer is still close to the survivor after marking him, she instead keeps her hand on his shoulder applying the effect every 5 seconds.
- •marking a survivors adds 4 seconds to the mindset bar, but she slows down by 5% for 5 seconds and her m1 attack has a 10 seconds cooldown
M2 effect:
Clarice changes her expression, twisting,bending and enhancing the survivors senses depending on his state of mind.
if a survivor looks at Clarice when she uses her power:
In Anxiety state: the survivor enters a "hopeless Anxiety" (HA) state
- •when a survivor transitions to HA he screams.
•the survivor's camera will suddently turns into the killer direction followed by a 0 contrast effect every 6 seconds after a sound queue plays. All of this among with the Anxiety effect.
- •when a survivor transitions to HA he screams.
In Depression state: the survivor enters a "Hopeless Depression" (HD not high definition lol) state while in HD
- the survivors hud is turned off (among with controls, leaving it to muscle memory)
- . All of this among with both HA and the Depression effect.
In Husk state: the survivor enters a "Hopeless Husk" (HH) state. while in (HH)
- the survivor gives up on his will, making it possible to be picked up at every moment.
- All of this among both HD and Husk effect.
Sound queue that plays:
Hex: Delusion: the feeling of control and lack of commitment is bad for a beginner professional
- •If a survivor stop working on a hex totem, the hex totem automaticaly changes its position with another totem.
•both totems cleasing speeds are increased by 50 for 10 seconds
• if there is no other totem. one is created.
• this effect lasts until the respective totem is cleansed.
- •If a survivor stop working on a hex totem, the hex totem automaticaly changes its position with another totem.
**Inevitable:* Activate-able perk
after knowing what fear is on your skin you learned to see it very well.
Press the active ability button after stood still for 3/2/1 seconds to active
- see all the auras of survivors lookin at you for 4 seconds.
enters in cooldown for 30/20/10.
- see all the auras of survivors lookin at you for 4 seconds.
Faint: Activate-able perk
the best defense is attack, and you wish you knew that earlier.
Press the active ability button while moving to active
- •place a frozen red stain.
•2/3/- seconds after activating the ability you are forced to lunge and the fake stain disappears
enters in cooldown for 50/40/30
- •place a frozen red stain.
all the numbers are subject to change, by balancing or addons. newer, more balanced versions of The shell will be posted after discussion.
from The shell and the moried survivor point of view. She slowly crouches down closing the downed survivor's eye and quickly cracking his neck.
from the other survivors. the survivor is quiet for the first seconds of the mori, after that he struggles to get up and run only to be pushed down by the shell and strangled. At the end of both POV, she takes a picture.
This having a good review matters, but the path was really fun regardless of it having good reviews. thinking, searching and working on a idea can feel really good and i encourage you to do so.
i was thinking on doing an animation showing the killers power and appearence more accurately on Source Film Maker.
Either way i would be very glad to see you guy's opnion on the idea.
PS: hope this doesn't give no one Depression or something