Looking for buddies

Hey! I came back to DBD after an almost 3 years break, trying to get back on track. Looking for people to have some fun games with, win or loose, do tasks.
I'm 23 (F), have discord, play from PC (steam). My time zone is GTM+3, but i can be flexible to play with people from different time zones :)
My steam name is Cats Lover, add me there whenever u want :3
im actually a newbie(60h) and under 20
dont know wether u wanna survive with me:)
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Honestly I'm kinda in the same boat (just moved over to PC about 6mo ago, still not great) and the only friends I have that play DBD are the stereotypical toxic survivors, so it's kinda hard to just have fun when you've got a couple others in your ear talking about how the killer is either terrible at the game or too overpowered (they said exactly that about a Huntress we played against).
Point is, if you're down to play I'm up for it. If it's important though, I'm 24M and live CST, so I'm a few hours behind you lol
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Quick update! I tried to find you on Steam and there's like a million different Cats Lover accounts lol
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Discord 18lukerogers
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Im so sorry guys, i stopped checking the forum bc i barely got any response, so i missed all your messages. My steam code is 379782004, feel free to add
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Im so sorry guys, i stopped checking the forum bc i barely got any response, so i missed all your messages. My steam code is 379782004, feel free to add