Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The HUD system We've Been Lacking!

AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

This is a very weird post.

It doesn't hold a specific balance change, nor is it a particularly unique creation. Instead, this is a HUD system that we've all been needing for FUTURE Ideas which had been previously lacking:

The Progress Bar Pointer

The progress bar pointer is a pointer that shows that a progress bar at that point will behave differently from that point onwards.
The pointer can be highlighted to indicate that it's condition is being met, or the pointer itself is a vertical progress bar.
The color of the pointer could have a meaning attached to it: Blue-ish means a condition has been met; Gold means that it's a vertical progress bar that allows you to complete the following section instantly when full, etc.
This will allow us to more easily and more visibly create all types of changes that would otherwise not make sense and cripple our ability to implement certain solutions:

The Dying State

This is an example of a progress bar that changes behaviour based on how far it is:
The first 95% is you being able to recover and the last 5% is a different behaviour. This is where we would put a marker if our Progress Bar Pointer was readily in the game!

Now why is this important?; it helps us to make more sense out such things and allows us to make things visually more representable:

An example

Recently in @Nickenzie 's post about being able to use Med-Kits to heal yourself from the dying state in a fashion similar to Unbreakable, Nickenzie proposed that a med-kit can be used to reach 99% and then by using the active button, you'd be able to fully recover;

Now, here we see 3 variations in behaviour: 1. Self-Recovery 0-95% > 2. Med-Kit Self-recovery 95-99% > 3. Button progression. 99-100%. Things may get confusing if we don't have anything visual!

Imagine the following critique on the above: "I like the heal, but I don't like that it allows you to heal up to 99%", and imagine normally you'd only be able to heal up to 85%.
In this scenario' we could let players heal up to 85%, have them use their medkit at the Gold pointer, which starts filling and once it fills, the 85% jumps to a 100%! Suddenly we can intuitively solve this problem!

Such a suggestion would feel very weird if it weren't for the pointers, because it's not obvious that a progression bar will have variating behaviour attached to it.

Is it common?

Not only is the need for Pointers useful in the already existing dying state and suggestions I've come across, but there are a lot of example where they prove to be very useful:

Let's say we consider Sabotage Meta's a problem?
Now, let's just turn the hook progress bar into a bar with a pointer! 0-75% and 75-100%. Despite your sabotage speed being the same, we could make it so that if you work on a hook beyond 75% and leave it without breaking it, it should REGRESS, but only back to 75%, where it stops.
With systems like that, we could make sabotaging more available to players while lessening the abusable power of it!

Or let's take healing!
Here we have another long progress bar. Let's split it up into: 0-33%, 33-67%, 67-100%. At the 33% pointer, bleeding frequency could be halved. At 67 your inuring sound could've been reduces.
I'm just naming things here, but you get the point! We can create a lot of more dynamic gameplay mechanics through the use of an otherwise blunt progress bar!

Generator sound increased by 8 meter after reaching 25%? Well, since you are at 23%, should you just ready yourself for the unhook, or just get the extra free second of generator time in while you can?

There are million examples, and with an simple HUD feature to progress bars, we can allow for whole new gameplay dynamics otherwise not justifiable or intuitive.

Your ideas

Let me know if there are any ideas or concepts that you can come up with for which the pointer system would be very helpful! Do you want to turn stale progression bars into something more exciting? With the pointer system, we'll know how to (:


  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    Interesting, very interesting.

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204
    So when working on a gen, Filling up that blue-ish pointer instantly completes 50% of that gen? 
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    I like this idea @not_Queen thoughts on his/her thoughts

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019

    @XavierBoah17 said:
    So when working on a gen, Filling up that blue-ish pointer instantly completes 50% of that gen? 

    No. Your progression bar has a standard condition. For example: A generator requires you to sit on it for 80 seconds.

    There are 2 main pointers we can use: The vertical progress bar or the condition pointer.

    Let's say we use the condition pointer (which doesn't affect the progress bar but just enables something else):
    If you reach 50% of a generator, it's noise will be reduced. (if it falls below 50% then the noise will return.)(This would be very usable on generators)

    If it's a vertical progress bar pointer, then it'll most likely not be on a generator, since generators don't have special conditions for you needing to fill the basic progress bar. (:

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    I really like the idea of pointers within a meter since it can be used to add more mechanics in the game. I asked @not_Queen if SC (or healing in general) could slowly regress over time since you're still bleeding.


    Less than 75% of the meter will be where you perform regular skill checks then after 75% you'll perform skill checks similar to the old BNP skill checks. The old BNP skill checks gave you a skill check every two seconds while the success zones are reduced but you wouldn't gain progression slowly, progression is earned depending on the good and great skill checks. Failing any skill check after 75% won't result in regression nor give the killer a notification. Stopping will cause natural regression over time regardless what your % is at.