Breaking down the facts: Killers are massively overpowered and the grim numbers aren't even telling



  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,744

    I agree that killers are too strong and that the stats are wrong when they don‘t count dcs, because DCs are still a very big part of the game, but they can go both ways. Either the killer has a easy 4K, he gives survivors the win or the unlikely case that they beat him.

    You said most money comes from killers, which makes from a business point no sense to me even when it is probably true, because no one would want to buy survivor stuff when it isn’t fun. I know recent survivors did only get bad perks, which gives me also no reason to buy them obviously. Killers on the other hand have a lot more to offer than survivors, which I agree with you.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444
    edited July 2024

    The devs don't need to share the win rate, because it's the SAME THING as killrate.

    You are correct that you can theoretically define a win as you want, but the devs HAVE defined what a win is, for survivors: escape = win, death = loss. So the survivor win rate is EXACTLY (1 - killrate) and then by symmetry, the killer winrate is EXACTLY the killrate.

    You also make the common mistake to think that the winrate formula is (wins / matches) but it's not. The formula is WINS PLUS DRAWS/2, divided by matches.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    In All fairness, alot of DCes are just from ppl being salty they didn't have a better start of the trial. I recently had a game as Wraith where I had 2 DCes from who I'm assuming was a 2 man SWF within 30 seconds of the match starting. Didn't even get to hook anyone before they dipped out. Should the game really be balanced around THEM or anyone else who DCes as soon as they get found first?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,212

    Maybe not, but shouldn't those other players in the match be counted? Does their experience not matter?

    Perhaps you're a nice Killer and felt bad for them, maybe you let them get some BP and let them go, I don't know. A lot of other players would take early DC's as a way to an easy victory.

    Those matches still happen, they still affect the players within them. I don't think just completely discarding them is the way anymore.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    No, matches with less than 5 players should NOT be considered the same as normal matches. Whether I'm nice to the others or not, the kills and escapes don't correctly show how strong anything is.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,212

    But the matches happen, do they not? Regardless of whether or not they affect the strength of things, we should be able to see them because they are a part of the DBD experience.

    A DC after the Gates are open removes the match from being counted.

    A DC while getting mori'd removes the match.

    We need to be able to see stats for both.

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  • Donyjunior
    Donyjunior Member Posts: 23

    "I like to player as survivor, because it's fun. But i think that play as killer is better. But i don't like to play as killer, because it's not fun. And i can't have fun with the survivor, because the killer is better. So, the survivor is not fun. But i think is fun. But what lies inside the black hole, anyway?"

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    This game is Survivor sided and nothing will change my opinion. There are not things that could do it.

    Today I played with my friends (not even that experienced players) without any perks & items. We won all 10/10 games. Even against Billy, Huntress or Blight.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,744

    I wonder whether it‘s true. Maybe if it’s true then you played against bad killers, because your friends are low mmr.

    The game is the easiest it‘s ever been for killer and some people still struggle.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    I'll agree that having a separate category showing the % of matches with DCes and when those DCes take place can be informative, but still think they should be seperated from normal kill/escape stats.

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 158

    no role should be a power role it should be a game where both sides have in and out where the game can strive to be a better game for everyone

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2024

    The devs HAVE defined a win. That's where the whole "a 3K is a win for the killer in the system" came from. I believe it was in their MMR live stream iirc as well as a Q&A soon after.

    That's why a win is defined in the wiki as a 3-4K as I posted earlier.

    DBD is not sports.

    I haven't seen the devs say they consider a draw "half a win" but if there's any clear clarification on that aspect I would like to see it. The vast majority of the community considers a 3K+ a win and a draw "not a win" based on what the devs have stated. If that was incorrect or they misspoke I would expect they would have said something by now.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,149

    Or put another way, we might have a better game.


    A removal or rework of map offerings.

    Problematic perks being identified and addressed sooner.

    Over-buffed Killers getting a justified nerf.

    A functional MMR system.

    A means for Survivors to actually practice looping, just like the custom game mode for Killers.

    An apparent lack of curiosity as to why players DC will do the game no good in the long run. Of course, I don't know if this is truly the case at BHVR or if this is just my impression, but it sure feels like there's a lack of interest sometimes.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    A dev did say DBD is like Hockey.

    The problem is DBD isn't symmetrical so these comparisons always ignore the fact that DBD has unequal sides. A survivor can win by escaping via the exit gate and the killer can win by getting a 3K. On the other hand a killer can lose by getting a 1K and the survivor killed will also lose.

    Ultimately trying to balance around a winrate is a complicated mess due to the fact that players can individually win or lose and if the devs want the killers to have an edge or the survivor then balancing around 60% kill rate is perfectly fine.

    It's always funny to me how people complain how DBD is too competitive and it should be more casual, but everyone always wants the devs to treat DBD as a competitive game that needs to be completely balanced.

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 158

    will we ever have in game communication as a option i would love it if ppl want to op out of it if optional so it can satisfies both ppl that don't want to engage with coms and ppl that want to use coms in solo queue

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    It's not specific to sports. The 0.5x factor HAS to be there otherwise the formula cannot work.

    Simple example. Say 4 survivors play 2 matches in a row against the same killer, and to simplify, all players start with the same Elo (say 1000), and say a win is +20.

    Question for you: what is the Elo of the players after the following result: 3K, 0K.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 707

    Not at all lol by elimination if there are 2 very good loopers (which is common as the loopers back eachother up with flashlight) and 2 doing gens on opposite sides of the map then what I said does make sense... wouldn't make sense to go from one end of the map to the other to chase the other survivor when there is one right in front of me.... When that survivor is eliminated there is only 1 gen worker left because it's almost a certainty that the 2 loopers will continue to try bait the killer.

    Sometimes it is wise gameplay to leave the ones on the gens if the intent is to get 3 gens left close to eachother (another perfectly valid tactic) has worked for me many many times. Sacrifice a couple gens to be in a better position to protect the rest

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2024

    Yeah I understand that but the point of contention here is whether or not a 1K is a quarter win and a 2K is a half win in regards to win rate. As that would mean killer kill rate is equal to win rate. Because that's how it works in sports.

    Afaik that's not how it's considered by the vast majority.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2024

    You're conflating the amount of elo won or lost with whether or not the result of the match was a win or a loss.

    0-1 is a loss. Both are +1 loss.

    2K is +0 or +1 draw, so not a win either way.

    3-4 are both +1 win.

    The amount of elo you gain or lose varies between how large the win or loss was. But that doesn't change whether they were a win or loss themselves. They're two different numbers.

    It wouldn't be +20 wins for gaining 20 elo correct? No it's 1 win that got you 20 elo.

    In this system at least afaik and considered by most players based on what the devs gave said. Of course the sports formula doesn't work if you're not using the sports definition of the variables.

    You'd have to make an argument as to why the vast majority is wrong. "Because sports" isn't a good one when we're not playing a sport.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Depends what you want from the game, if you want such balanced game, then go play some competitive game like Dota, or CS.

    DBD is far from that, if you want balanced competitive DBD, then you have to go play custom games with custom rule set. Funny is survivors are usually more limited than killers in competitive DBD. So you wouldn't like even that…

    It doesn't make sense for asymmetrical game, where it's 1v4. To reach balance of 50% in reality it's going to be in favor of survivors, because you have to expect 1/2 survivors are going to be bad and when you get 4 actually good survivors most killers are simply without a chance.

    What is most balanced we ever had are queue times (game overall too in my opinion). I don't mind playing either side, doesn't matter the BP bonus, queue times are good. That's what matters to me, I don't want to wait 6+ minute on your "balanced" 10 minutes game, that's simply huge waste of my time.

    I am all for soloQ QoL features, those are needed in my opinion. But base game buffs for survivors, or nerfs for killers? No

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 294

    I mean I just dont see how this would ever be possible. As this forum and many endgame chats clearly show, the DBD community is a very emitionally loaded one with both sided being of the opinion that a lot of things especially on their side goes wrong which then in turn leads to many ppl suiciding or dcing cause they are fed up.

    People DC maybe because they had a bad match before this one, they dont like the map, they get the same map 4 times in a row, their map offering gets neutralised, the killer runs lethal and finds them instantly, they get teabagged, they get clicked at, they get sandbagged by a teammate, their teammate blocks them with a palette, survivor gets palette saved, they get hooked in the basement, etc. etc.... you could probaly continue this list far longer.

    How do you want to separate these people that DC cause of personal preference or cause they personally dont like killer, map, gameplay from those who actually DC because they think they get rolled to hard or the killer/ survivors are too strong? You cant exactly send them a survey on why they dced especially since dcing is oficially not approved by the devs.

    If you include data like this it would get things nerfed that are totally fine. For example I still remember the time after wesker came out. Most people agreed that he was fun and balanced but he was so overused that people started complaining in this forum and dcing on mass just cause they didnt want to play against him anymore. Following your logic this would get wesker nerfed even though he was perfectly fine and it was just personal preference that people found the matches boring and dced cause of that.


  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    A removal or rework of map offerings.

    I feel like that's a nerf for survivors…

    Problematic perks being identified and addressed sooner.

    You mean like CoH was over a year, MFT 6 months or something like that? That's not really us vs them. That's a fact. Updates are simply slow..

    Over-buffed Killers getting a justified nerf.

    Killers are not getting nerfs? That's new to me.

    A functional MMR system

    We had that, it was terrible. Please no…

    A means for Survivors to actually practice looping, just like the custom game mode for Killers.

    Hell yeah and better tutorial. We be really good to have some quick tutorials of how actually each killer power works and what are limits → Vecna/Nemesis/Hag/Skully and how crouching works against them etc., so new survivors have at least some basic knowledge how to play against each killer.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 294

    I mean it would be interesting to see but just an unnecessary headache from the pov of the devs I guess.

    If we stay with the wesker example who had a high dc rate cause of his overuse, how many threads would pop up in this and other forums pointing out the high dc rate and how many ppl would demand immidiate nerfs even though these numbers arent representative. There are ofc people in the community that know what these numbers mean and what they dont but at least as many that will just use stuff like this for the next big " us vs them" discussion.

    So from the point of the devs: why bother with that if not necessary

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,212

    Because it's a part of the average match.

    Also, on that point, why even bother to communicate in the first place? People are just gonna use it as ammunition against them, no matter what they say.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    So what you're saying only makes sense if two of the survivors don't play the game as intended and nobody unhooks the one survivor you just hooked? Is that what you're saying?

    I'm unsure what exactly you're trying to argue. My position is that tunnelling should be eliminated and that would reduce the intensity of the issues the survivor role faces. What exactly are you attempting to argue?

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Fixing DC is easy anyway, make the penalty different, like first 3 DCs results in one hour ban, then incrementing it up afterwards

    At least not 5 minutes, I guess

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Some people still struggle? If it's easier to play Killer than years ago, does it mean game is Killer-Sided? You guys completely miss the right spots to talk about it… It's weird.

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 158

    not really its a twisted god that's siphoning ppl's emotion as a source of food the more emotions he gets out of ppl the better the more hopeless some one gets the less he get out of it thematic wise there should be no power role if ether roles gets too much powers in actuality the less the entity gets out of it and the best way to get that is if both sides don't know if they get to kill of survive if too much ppl died he would get nothing out of it because ppl would lose hope and there would be no point

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2024

    Infamous for a reason, because the game isn't like hockey. The problem the community had with that at the time was DBD is nothing like hockey or a sport so the comparison didn't make sense. Additionally they have said more about the MMR system than just 1 infamously bad thing 1 dev said 1 time. Leading to the majority consensus of wins and the game not being like sports, everything put together.

    Idk exactly what picture you're trying to paint with that lower part but I didn't say that killers win as much as survivors or that it's 50% if that's what you're getting at.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,724

    I mean, sure, fair enough. Glad we're in agreement that the game favors killers.

    Kind of curious why you're able to correctly parse that DBD is not like Hockey, Specifically, due to the mechanics of hockey being entirely unlike those of DBD, but you're unwilling to see the ways in which DBD is like sports in the general sense: they're both competitions in which individuals or teams engage in direct competition against each other, attempting to use strategies to advance their own objectives while hampering the opponent's objective. Obviously you're not arguing against the fact the game is killer-slanted, so why the selective application of your reading comprehension and critical analysis skills?

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2024

    At this point I don't believe this is going to get anywhere without a more concrete and direct answer from the devs themselves even more so than the information already given out. Considering DBD as a sport and using sports logic will leave you very much in the minority. When players are talking about "win rate" they generally won't be using the sports version as it makes more sense given the game and the information given that it's not that. So if you want to continue to do so to your own conversational detriment go ahead I guess.

    It didn't make sense then and it doesn't make sense now. Unless you're saying DBD is actually like hockey. Which virtually everyone disagrees with.

    The majority understood what the devs said differently and afaik the devs haven't corrected or clarified anything on that front as would be expected due to how many people would be incorrect. I will continue to use the majority version as I still have not been given any good reason not to compared to what says I should.

    There's more than just 1 infamously bad line 1 dev said 1 time.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited July 2024

    You can say 60% killrate is not 60% win rate. I agree, because it can reach to 80% win rate with 60% kill.

    In the end, survivors' average win rate is 40%. Four-ty. To make killers to have win rate that low, they never lose.

    Green for escape, Red for death.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    I understand how you can think killers are op, if you have a 80% death rate. Do you know who has an eascape rate that low? Beginners. For Beginners the Killer always is overpowert and not becoming better at the game doesnt make you better. So stop complaining and start work on yourself to get better. I play both sides like 40 Survivor /60 Killer Its true, that I have indeed an higher kill rate than 60% Im at 76,61% at the moment, but guess what my escape rate is also on 61,96%. Now comes the funny part as killer I use the meta perks with good addons, but nothing higer than green. As survivor I use perks that give me somthing but are far from Meta. (Aftercare, Any Means, Leader and Alert) and no Items. If I would play the strongest every game I think I would deffenitly reach mutch higher escape/kill rates. If you invest more time you will get better.

    Also most of the survivors, that dc and give up dont do it, because they dont think they can beat the killer most of them are just salty kids, that cant think about there own mistakes that they made.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663
    edited July 2024

    "I played with my friends".

    Clearly soloq is overpowered by this proxy.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I had over ~72% kill rate as Myer, no slowdown, first kill at 9th hook.

    Should Myers get nerfed?

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Guys do you really think every Survivor team or soloq that plays Public Games will play serious every game? Your stats don't matter at all. You can play 10 games against a Survivors that want to win and you will lose many of them.