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Knight Locker Bug

HexRoseToy Member Posts: 1
edited July 2024 in Bug Reporting

Attached is a video showing both point of views of this bug.

When playing with the Knight, there is a chance that if a survivor is being followed by a guard and the survivor jumps into a locker will they experience this bug. This bug only is able to be recreated with certain lockers, the corner locker of killer shack being the most common one when recreating this bug. If a survivor experiences this bug, they will not be able to crawl out from inside the locker, recover, or interact with any items or survivors. Certain lockers prohibit the killer from picking the survivor up, however there are certain lockers that allow a survivor to be picked up. If a survivor is picked up from the locker and is freed, they will not be able to interact with anything. This includes vaulting, healing, unhooking, using their item, and anything that requires a survivor to be able to interact with something. A survivor is only able to interact with things once again if they return back to the locker they originally were stuck in.

Post edited by EQWashu on
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