History was made, the worst DBD bug(s) of all time in a single patch

Gens get completed randomly, exit gates turning on even with 3 gens still remaining, gens get completed yet their sound are the same as one with progress instead, and so on.
Killer is almost unplayable as it’s impossible to tell if it’s a hacker or a bug. Scratch marks continue to be bugged for months now.
I would say I'm disappointed, but I'm genuinely surprised. I didn’t think it was possible to break the game this much. This has never happened before.
Survivors also sometimes don't get basekit BT so tunnel to your heart's content.
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Is that what's going on. I saved someone off hook last night and the killer hit them like two seconds later and they went down.
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I'm 99% sure it only happens if the survivor is running Dead Hard, so that's the way to avoid it.
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We thank you for the public service announcement.
We're going into hibernation now.
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"gens get completed yet their sound are the same as one with progress instead"
I thought I was imagining this 🤣 I'm following the sound to a gen that's apparently already completed
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Anybody play trapper? When I did he couldn't even pick up his traps without pressing the button multiple times
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Funny because, the last tome got also some big bug, but it was the freeze, buggy, lagging server where a lot of people cannot play or doing anything
Here, you can do some thing… But your game are more short than before1 -
aren’t we forgetting that tiny little wonder that Twins release was?
Or first Resident Evil chapter where consoles got literally fried?
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Gens being completed randomly was already a bug before, its easy to tell when there is 1 gen left but 4 gens have auras, same thing with exit gates being powered its just part of the game bug but it used to be its own bug where a single gen at any amount of gens remaining could finish all gens.
In terms of bugs nothing we haven't seen before even all at once
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I will say that these two are probably worse than what's going on rn. The killer desync bug was also pretty bad. Not as bad as rn, but indescribably frustrating when playing surv
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Yup bugs I’ve already seen
-2 gens left on map, one gets completed and exit gates power so only 4 gens had to be completed.
-Hatch spawn at 3 gens left
-Gens are silent during EGCThe Wesker bug lmao
-If you’re running dead hard you have no BT off hook.
Stuff always breaks so bad after an update. Wondering why that can’t be addressed.
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Bugs can always happen, but even I wouldn't have expected such serious errors. Something like this should never happen
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Is it the worst update for dbd in history?
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The original Resident Evil patch bricked the game on console for a month and then had aftershocks for at least half a year
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Ah right. Good that I didn't experience it
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yeeeeeah. 😁😅😅
I’m gonna wait till a Hotfix comes out. It’s really bad right now.I kill off 2 survivors at 3 gens, someone pops a gen and the EGC starts with gates open. The other survivors are just being toxic teabagging when they know very well they were about to get clapped. 🤣
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Can't wait until they're made into features.
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Did you played the realese of twins?
Nothing comes close to when twins came
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Yeah... I'm just gonna play something else for awhile til the bugs get worked out. I've come to expect SOME bugs, but these are way too game breaking.
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Oh I remember that first Resident Evil chapter, how it almost wreaked our PlayStation cousins and performance overall was terrible.
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Yeah this happened to me well I still got 4K...
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Well yeah and personally the gen bug has affected only little to my match outcomes.
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I had a game yesterday where BT off hook didn't apply and where 4 gens remaining went to 1 after the survivors only repaired one. They obviously play tested this patch very thoroughly.
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They posted an Update on Twitter:
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2 survivors that you killed left a tally screen meaning that the one of your living survivors in your match did a gen and + 2 additional gens were done because of those 2 dead survivors. This is I presume how this bug occurs according to description
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I've been very lucky (or unlucky, since most recent matches I've been survivor) to not come across these glitches. I did have one where the gen was repaired, but making a sound as if it wasn't completed yet, so I don't know what that's about.
However, clearly this is happening and I hope they get this fixed a.s.a.p for those who have experienced enough of this.
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There's been worse before, and luckily we have an ETA on when these will be fixed. That's the best outcome.
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Gonna finish up other games before this now.
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Okay so you can avoid this bug keeping all survivors alive? So it's a bug that act as catch up mechanic for survivors?
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I don’t run Dead Hard and it’s happened a few times now that I haven’t gotten BT off hook. I’ve also been getting stuck on walls and survivor actions (unhooking, vaulting) have been disrupted for seemingly no reason.
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So it might be Exhaustion perks that trigger it maybe
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Yeah, basically. Such a terrible bug
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For sure! It’s just annoying is all.
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Aven_Fallen already posted this, but here it is again. This is a thread with a status report of the most commonly reported bugs and their ETA's.
As for this being the worst patch… Not by a long shot.
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Thanks, I don't have Twitter acc, so wasn't able to open the thread.
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You guys are getting bugs?
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Playing as Spirit, my console would freeze for, I kid you not, 5 seconds each use of my power.
Us console gamers couldn't use Exhaustion perks, either. Our game sense had to be razor sharp...
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Worse than Twins release? I'll be very surprised if that is the case.
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Twins release was awful but if you didn't play them you were fine. This time gens are broken in every single match
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I've seen people theorising this. That it completes the amount of gens equivalent to how many people are dead. Funny, the game actually has a catch up function for survivors and it's a bug 🤣
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BHVR knows that they can afford to crank out new content quickly without fully testing to make sure that these kind of game-breaking bugs don't happen, clean up the mess afterwards, and really not lose any players. People will trash the devs on the forums, but they are still playing the game and still spending lots of money on it, which is really the only thing BHVR should care about as a for-profit business. Despite the game being massively broken, you can bet BHVR raked in a ton of money on the new content. I do give them credit for addressing some of the worst bugs fairly quickly. But there will be others that take a very long time to fix and will be ongoing frustrations for players. There's really no reason for BHVR to operate any differently because the player counts remain strong and people are still spending a lot of money on the game despite stuff like this happening with every new patch.
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While we're sharing memories, I remember not being able to play for a couple of weeks after Trickster came out because my frame rate was so bad.
But my vote for worst is actually the recent bug where the whole screen would flash and give someone a seizure.
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I occasionally have games where for some reason it looks like the survivors on my team have 15 frame animations and is using their LOD meant for farther distances and it hurts my eyes so I'm taking a break until that's fixed.
Everything looks very janky atm and I can't tell if it's the game or players lagging.
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Back when Blight came out that chapter caused most of our Xbox1x machines to insta-overheat and shut down. Not the regular Xbox1 or the Slims, just the 1x consoles. Something to do with the hybrid SSD's in them. Couldn't fire up DBD until the following patch came out.
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I still remember how they fixed Lopro Blight instantly but double fatigue on him is still going strong after all these years
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This? Worst patch in terms of bugs? Were you around for Twins? 1st RE chapter?
Yeah, no. This isn't there.
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I know Second Wind wasn't working for me either.