Legion is just a worse Plague

adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Plague's Vile Purge is basically the same as Legion's Feral Frenzy but automatic, much harder to avoid, and survivors are broken. Plague also gets Corrupt Purge while Legion has to play as a M1 killer. Legion can only down survivors with Feral Frenzy after 4 hits, which is extremely rare and only happens on very small maps, e.g. Dead Dawg Saloon.


  • Callahan9116
    Callahan9116 Member Posts: 127

    Legion has always been bad

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    I mean, they have completely different niches here. Legion's strengths is his information, ability to rapidly injure, and leaving the option to heal as a trap.

    Plague's entire dynamic is working towards Corrupt purge to slaughter the team.

    Plague is definitely the better killer, but they're so similar one is X but worse.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280
    edited July 2024

    They both have their own ways.


    • Needs to tag either a survivor directly or interactable that needs then to be interacted with to leave survivors broken and infectious.
    • Infecting survivors is not instant even if tagged directly.
    • Can't track survivors as easy without an add on compared to legion
    • Survivors either heal and give her more power pools or can stay injured. Nothing is forced.
    • Has a ranged attack (here for completions sake)

    Legion :

    • Needs to tag a survivor and learns the location of nearby survivors via killer instinct (aka no ways to hide) until frenzy ends.
    • Does not break survivors but forces them to mend or fall.
    • Can't tag survivors as easy as plague.
    • Is instant as soon as you hit but no range
    • Much better tracking and it's base kit. No add on needed.
    • Inherent slowdown via mend.

    Seems similar but different just like a few other killers to us.

    Edit: Accidentally hit post button early

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    If I would consider myself any killer "main", then it would be probably Legion.

    Legion is definitely weaker than Plague, because Plague is quite strong killer imo.

    But they are not same and Legion is not as weak as some try to claim.

    Legion is solid killer until you get a team, where mending survivors go for bodyblocking. That's pain to play against, but it is really rare to see, or they are bad at it...

    You definitely need to use some chase perks to help you get downs. My favorite is Spirit Fury and Enduring.

    Enduring overall is an amazing perk on Legion, because it gives good chance for instadowns.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited July 2024

    I recently learned you can walk against Plague and your infection won't go up…

    It doesn't come into play all that much, but it is important for things like mitigating the spread of infection via interactions. For example if you have to go unhook a survivor who isn't infected, you can walk to the hook instead to prevent them also getting infected.

    If you need to work on a gen duo, walk to it and work on it up to the point just before you get infected then let go and leave for another gen.

    I've come to find in SoloQ when against Plague, one of the best things you can do is ensure you don't infect other survivors as much as possible; also if you're not infected yourself, unless absolutely necessary, don't voluntarily take infection either.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    a chase build is really great on legion. lately i runa full screw your pallets build with spirit fury enduring brutal and that addon that destroyes palltes when you vault them. its not uber strong but fun to use and often survs get pretty frustrated that pallets are just not a thing against you

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited July 2024

    I enjoy enduring with the addon the recover power if stunned.

    Funny how many survivors don't expect me to just immediately go for swing under pallet, then get instadowned and often DC.

    Overall enduring lets me not respect any pallet.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    i had survs outright telling me they report me cause they think its unfair that i take away any pallet interaction from them. and that im not fun cause i just brute force pallets instead of dancing with them around a pallet until they drop it and run to the next

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
    edited July 2024

    I'll look at your comments in more detail tomorrow, but the reason why I say Legion is a worse Plague is 90% of Legion's power is to bring survivors from healthy to injured. Legion and Plague achieve it in different ways but the outcome is ultimately the same. Vile Purge and Infection are far more effective and efficient than Feral Frenzy. It's not even close. In addition, Plague has Corrupt Purge, so she doesn't have to play like a M1 killer, like Legion does.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We'd say that's 1/3 of legions power with the other parts being stall and info and plague is more pure damage. With plague it's slower but inevitable, while legion you can easily avoid but it's just as likely to be instant and spontaneous against the whole party. Plague has less direct control than legion but gets a better part in corrupt purge. Apologies if we're repeating the same points.

    As an aside, if plague uses her pools up, she has to wait until survivors cleanse before she can get it again, making her an m1 killer until then.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i think main thing for why legion doesn't stack up vs plague is his inability to damage deep wound. If they change that about him, He'll be a great killer.

    Still I enjoy running Rancor+Gameafoot+No way out builds with him. His BFF add-on and Iri button makes him a chill killer to play.