The Charms UI needs changes

Axyierl Member Posts: 39
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Having the charms cover the search bar and the icons is extremely annoying and just a bad design. This has been a thing since the new store release and no one really cared considering no one looks at the charms in the store but having this now in the normal UI as well is really bad and needs changes ASAP. Everything else with the new Ui is fine expect Lara being on top that's really annoying.

The store UI

The menu UI, it's covering up the search bar and just looks bad


  • tparadise
    tparadise Member Posts: 120

    Yes I made several posts about this during the PTB of the new store design that were completely ignored. I can't believe someone was paid actually money to design something like this.

    I disagree about everything else with the new UI being fine though. The whole redesign is bad.

  • Morboth
    Morboth Member Posts: 36

    Agreed, the previous Customization UI was way better than this.

    If anything, we could use more loadouts; I hate only having three loadouts (I have like 5 different combinations I could do with Alan Wake or Cheryl Mason).