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Every Perk That Requires Going Out Of Your Way To Complete a Side Task Is Not a Good Perk

toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184
edited July 21 in General Discussions

Just do a gen.

Okok it would be evil to just leave the post like that. Obviously some of these perks can be really fun and it's totally respectable to run a fun build with them, however you shouldn't expect to win with them. Perks like Specialist where you have to search and rummage, boons where you have to, well boon, weaving spiders, where you have to pretty much complete a gen in the basement and all the other perks that require side tasks just waste time and aren't worth it because you can just be doing a gen.

Obviously "just do a gen" can get VERY boring, so these perks r in the game for people to use to spice the game up a bit yk, they r here to keep you engaged for a couple more hours, which is totally fine, but when I get a rage message from an OPP and see that there build is Specialist, Plunders, Weaving spiders, and Appraisal I really question if they seriously thought they had a chance.

And this doesn't just come from salt messages, it comes from complaints I see around the forums. Complaining is cool, that's what a forum is for, but some people have to understand that the game isn't "survivor sided" or "killer sided," matches all come down to the perk builds people run and the skill of each side. It may seem a lot harder to escape as a Solo queue lobby because you might have tm8s that just wanna have fun with builds (or play sweaty with there build and not understanding that it's there terrible build that's setting them back).

I guess the overall point of this post is to tell people to actually analyze your matches. If the other survivors are all doing side tasks while ur the only one on the gen don't expect an escape at the end of the match. Then when you die and you go on the forums and say "Nerf this!" (Quadruple kill) Or "Nerf that" that spreads biased opinions because it's not the game mechanics or the perks that r F'in you up, it's how you and your tm8s r using them.

That being said, every side quest perk in the game besides old COH are mediocre at best. Majority are pretty dookie.


  • Assassin97
    Assassin97 Member Posts: 35

    I agree a lot of them are pretty mid or worse, not worth the time spent to activate them because the return is so little, however if there is 1 side quest perk, I think can be good it's inner strength, sure everyone just brings med kits to pubs but it's not bad, especially in solo queue and need to get healthy.