For the health of the game

basedkiller916 Member Posts: 47
edited July 21 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a survivor, you should not be able to dance around the killer at the exit gate, take 2 hits, go down and fall out the gate for free. It's only ever used to BM. Incentize players to not bm by making them grab-able if they go down at the gate line. It's annoying and only frustrates people. If not better, make them exposed and able to be mori'd inside the gates. That would change their tune and get people out without free last minute bm

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243
    edited July 21

    They should make it to where if someone crouches twice at a gate, the gate will be blocked for that specific survivor for 60 seconds.

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    Play Myers and take Tombstone Piece. Don't use the Mori aspect during the match, and wait for the end game. This will convince them you just have a normal instant down Myers. Then while they dance in the exit gate, certain they will fall out, mori them right there. I used to do this all the time for laughs. I assure you it is worth it. You just have to learn how to NOT Mori people by accident while playing the main part of the match. If you give that away, the joke won't work.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    The simpler fix is if someone goes down at the gate, the exit is blocked for a few seconds to allow time to pick them up unless another survivor blocks for them, in which case they risk getting grabbed up.

    Regardless even that won't fix BM, most of them that do this just BM and leave as soon as you approach. At least with the OP's situation you get the BP from hitting them.

  • basedkiller916
    basedkiller916 Member Posts: 47

    It promotes toxicity dude. I'm sorry you enjoy getting a rise out of people but it's not great for the game

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 123

    Ignore them.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 367

    I mean, I consider toxic when the killer hits me in the hook, when humping me or just slugging for the 4K.

    Guess you’re ok if they address that too, but is just annoying and not affect the game (except the slugging part)

    Just ignore them or force them to leave.

  • GloomySpooks
    GloomySpooks Member Posts: 39

    If I feel like the team is standing around teabagging, I go find stuff to break. ECG isnt that long, and if survivors can be slugged to bleed out regularly just for the killer's 'fun', I think survivors are okay to do a little happy dance in the endzone.

    Not to mention any special mechs you put in there to target exit gate teabaggers, the game wouldnt be able to distinguish a teabagger from a person running for their life to get out the gate with the killer on their heels. So you think killers should just get insta-kills at exit gates? Lol

    Yeah not to be harsh but the people that get upset over teabagging at the exit gate just simply need to grow up. Its a game. Its called "teabagging" ffs lol. Its not that serious.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,286

    psssst, you have wasd keys - you can just…. go away

  • DocJOrtiz
    DocJOrtiz Member Posts: 6

    Stop being a baby, if u would have done better during the game then the end game is the celebration. I have been caught trying to take a protection hit only to find out there is a Noed there and been hooked. How about if this is put in place for survivors then once the gate is opened no killer perks are active either.

  • DocJOrtiz
    DocJOrtiz Member Posts: 6

    Lets cover something that is going on, why are killers reaching so far in the windows and hitting survivors or why are we on the other side of the the pallet still getting hit?

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 261

    If you do this, then the opposite will have to apply to toxic killer gamestyles like hitting on hook, And implementing such counters will just result in people abusing mechanics,imagine being moried judt because you didnt escape on time.

    And even if such implemencation is added, IT CHANGES NOTHING! Take the anti camp mechanic. Killers who still want to face camp just use m2 abilitys to negate it. Similarity surviviors will just bm at the edge of exit gates, and not in it

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,234

    Wouldn't the capability to cause frustration fall under game health though? Frustration generally makes people want to play the game less. More frustration is generally a bad thing.

  • Xyphus
    Xyphus Member Posts: 139

    This is something that always amazes me..

    Survivors hate to be slugged and bled out for 4 minutes but are willing to wait in the Exit Gates for up to 4 minutes..

    Killers have no problem with waiting 4 minutes to bleed someone out but are pissed when the Survivors wait in the Gates for up to 4 minutes..

    Just one difference here - as Killer you can end it.. Lose with dignity and push.them.out.!

  • basedkiller916
    basedkiller916 Member Posts: 47

    If you'd read the post it's not about them waiting the timer out. I'm talking about bm at the gate and the killer can't do anything to punish going down at the exit line. The whole point of what I was saying is I actively down people and they still get out free without punishment.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Tbagging survivor spotted👀

    Survivors couldn’t handle being Mori spammed so they got rid of that .

    It’s only fair to remove bagging at the gates. And it’s the most cowardly thing to do. I don’t have a problem if you do it mid match but if you wait till the killers has no options then drag out the game to do it thats just pathetic.

    Literally the saddest people ever who do that, it’s embarrassing quite frankly.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 956

    Your seriously complaining that mori spamming got removed? I actually don't tbag at all, and I play both sides. We might as well remove hitting on hook, and humping while were at it since it's also "cowardly" to do.

    I seriously don't get people how spamming a button offends them so much to the point that they go beyond to cry on the forums to get it removed some how, just push them out and move on?

    Adding unneeded resources for something as small as that is pointless, especially when there are actual problems that need to be dealt with, like the generator bugs, etc.

    The saddest people are the one who take the game too serious, that's what is embarrassing.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    "Frustration" is not only incredibly vague, but also extremely subjective.

    "Doing gens", "flashlights", "teamwork", and both "looping" and "holding w" (so not standing still) are constantly complained about in this forum, so those would be considered "frustrating" to many people.

    People will always be "frustrated" by "losing", but I seriously doubt that people will genuinely think that should be addressed.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,234

    I think the amount of opportunities to BM your opponent should be reduced. Deliberately rubbing in a win in an attempt to make the other side feel bad doesn't add anything to the game, and generally drives people away from it.

    All those other things you listed are part of the gameplay loop. BM isn't a part of the core gameplay loop and only really serves to make people feel bad.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Stop acting like this game can only have one thing being worked on at a time. They have 1,000 employees who can work on multiple things at once. Bloodwarden is a perk that could function in a very similar way so they could literally just make the Anti tbag function a fun perk for people to use.

    Yes I will defend Mori spam which is also a button spam that people cried about till it got removed. Mori spamming is the exact same as bagging at a gate for the entire 2 minutes of EGC which survivors do often unite they are pushed out. The only difference is that Mori spam was a potential 6 minutes compared to 2 minutes of EGC.

    Wanting to keep something in the game that benefits absolutely no one and only promotes toxicity is embarrassing. There is absolutely zero reason for it to stay, end of story.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    Maybe, but that's not what you said initially.

    If we're targeting "BM" then we're likely targeting specific actions, which are going to still be vague and subjective, and those mechanics are going to have to be carefully crafted to avoid impacting otherwise normal gameplay.

    Oh, you crouched to dodge the Nemesis whip? Nah, the game saw that as a teabag and is now punishing you.

    But let's focus on specifics:

    How, exactly, do you want the game to target toxic slugging? If the last survivor is slugged and crawls to a hook, what do you propose should be the penalty to the killer? How much more severe should that penalty be if the killer is throwing hatchets/shooting harpoons/revving a chainsaw/etc while the survivor crawls to a hook and is still bleeding out? (I've had all of these happen to me in game over the years) So what's your recommendation?

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    You had a chance to "punish" them if that is what floats your boat. If they are in the exit gate, you failed. Your choice of language says a lot about you. You feel they deserve punishment for insulting you, for being bad sports and gloating? This is a game. You know the rules and what freedom the participants have to be good sports or bad sports. You either grow a thicker skin, or you find a game less likely to trigger you. Let me embrace my inner geek and remind you,

    "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment.”

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,234

    I mean, considering the original topic, I thought it was pretty obvious what I was referring to.

    I don't think adding a penalty towards the offending party is the route to go. It's the amount of unpleasantness that can possibly be inflicted in these ways should be reduced.

    For bleedouts, I think there should be an option to bleed out faster when slugged. That'd reduce the time wasting aspect of it, and make it less of a pain to deal with in general.

    For teabagging at the gates, the killer should have access to a concede button when the gates are powered (or open, if it'd impact endgame challenges for archives too much). This would force every remaining Survivor to escape, including hooked ones, and end the game.

    You can't realistically prevent tbagging/BM in all cases, but the more egregious timewasters (which are generally the main points of frustration in this case) can be dealt with.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 618

    If all remaining survivors are pointlessly hanging out in the exit area for a certain amount of time after there's no more game to play, somebody taking a hit should cause the entity to block the exit for 5 seconds.


    A.) It would be hilarious.

    B.) Discouraging A-hole behavior helps player retention.

    C.) End game might tend to look less derpy and incomplete.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 241

    If i know they alredy made it to the gate i just wait somewhere else for them to leave while they sit their tbagging themselves since im on the other end of the map just cleaning up pallets n stuff lol