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Tome 18: Core Memory: Disturbing Notions won't complete

Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

Title. PC. I'm working through old archives and this tome challenge won't complete for me. The challenge is to collect 2 shards that appear when a gen is finished and then escape or sync to a portal.

I've repeatedly fulfilled the conditions within matches - the shards spawn, I collect two of them, a portal appears, I synchronize and get the score event, and then at the end match screen I'm shown with -1 progress out of 1 and nothing happens.

I'm wondering if that -1 has something to do with it. The first time I loaded this challenge, I collected one shard, but didn't manage to collect another that game, and I was shown the -1/1 progress (which is the first time I've ever seen that on any archive challenge.) Ever since, I'm shown negative progress on this specific challenge. I suspect I'm somehow stuck at -1 and can't complete the challenge because actually completing the conditions puts me at 0/1 and not 1/1.

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