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Devs why is Nurse in 2v8?

She has been buffed and has been in every 2v8 game I have played. I have not escaped once. Does anyone have any tips or something on how to deal with her because she is a pain with the other killers.

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  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I'm a decent Nurse and more than half the players handle the chases correctly.

    The "buffs" are next to useless as far as I'm concerned but I believe it can help beginners who otherwise would not stand a chance playing her. (Keep in mind she is often at the bottom of the killer statistics.)

    In all my matches, there was no significant difference between my downs and the downs of other killers. I had more, yes, but at the same time I've passed 3.5K hours and I've been grouped with low prestige Trappers and good Huntresses.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    I had a match wherein I’d chosen the scout role & was juicing the ######### out of a nurse who was pretty much running the board. She was really good but couldn’t catch me. She wouldn’t drop chase when she saw me though… not until we got down to like 3 gens. lol. Wonder if that was you.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    It's unlikely given the size of the player pool, and I'm not the kind to throw a match for a hit. If a survivor takes more than 2 attempts or goes far from the gens, I'm likely to break chase.

    That being said : well done. 👍️

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Huh, I've not seen Nurse or Billy and a single one of my 2v8 games.

  • Member Posts: 5,957

    It’s been Huntress back-to-back for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    Against a good nurse, you're not getting away. You just try to buy time, so if you get hit, guide them away from the gens, use line of sight blockers and stay out of the open.

    Against average nurses, it's 50/50. In any case, if you know you're facing a nurse, don't get caught out and try to get a head start to find cover.

    Her lunge is nutty. I think they had to do this because the majority of players are derps with nurse. It really doesn't affect good nurses because their blinks are on point anyway, although it can't hoit.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    They're now at over 50 matches of their 8-slug 8k streak:

    I stopped checking matches, but last I did they were averaging 1 gen done per match.

    Yes, it is mindbogglingly ridiculous that Nurse is not only in this mode, but got significantly buffed on top. She is the strongest killer in the game to begin with, she is affected the least by the increased amount of pallets (that is: almost unaffected) as well as benefits the most from the constant aura reveals, which are basically free hits for her. The 3% Haste also don't faze her much. And yet she can get 3 blinks and up to 90% increased lunge runge, for two absurd things among the various other buffs. Meanwhile Trapper who is terrible in this mode sets traps a couple hundred milliseconds faster and gets to walk faster for (up to) 3 seconds after doing so. That's just silly.

    Nurse shouldn't have been in this mode, and the killers that are should have gained significantly better power-ups. Trapper needs Bloody Coil or Iridescent Stone basekit. And Honing Stone. The Haste after setting or arming a trap should last for 6 seconds. The other killer should be able to arm his traps too. Billy not having the instadown is needed I think, but he should have had Lopro to compensate for it. Huntress should not have to reload at all. Wraith could have had an increased Haste duration after coming out of cloak - omega lunge was always great fun, and this mode would be a good time to bring it back. I'm not sure which killer should replace Nurse, but it could have been much of anyone. Blight for one would be much more engaging while still endowing the killer players with the ability to completely dominate.

  • Member Posts: 1,350

    Pub stomping uncoordinated randos with no mmr doesn't really say much

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    It's a pub mode, Nurse stomping it says everything that needs to be said. The fact that you can 8k at 7-8 left thanks to Nurse 50+ times in a row is evidence enough of the (already obvious) fact that she's overpowered and overtuned. Who cares about what would happen in the one-in-a-thousand match where you have 8 coordinated survivors that are also high-hour, high-skill players? Just doesn't happen (and I suspect they would still lose against a strong Nurse + Wraith/Billy/Huntress duo).

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    i don't really know what you want to hear so i'll just say i don't agree with you. i'm glad she is in the mode, i very much prefer her over trapper (by a long shot) or specifically billy/wraith combo (not a big deal but still).

    i don't know if you genuinely asked for tips or just implying you can't counter her at all but i'll still give some tips because no, she is loopable unless she is a god. you just play how you normally play against her; don't run in the complete open, use objects, be unpredictable, use distance wisely and take it any time you could and don't run tiles normally because like 95% of nurses expect that. you are notified when your aura is revealed so it also shouldn't be an issue unless you don't know she is gonna go for you.

    obviously duo looping isn't possible most of the time but what you normally gotta do to avoid or prolong the chase against both killers is a lot easier against a nurse. she has 0 map presence so she can't join or impact the chase as easily as basically any other killer.

  • Member Posts: 80

    The issue is good XYZ Killer players will dominate the solo queue survivor pool. The constant early aura reveals, and pincer dual killer teams just straight wreck most surivors and after a few death hooks even the best 4 man squad can't take 2 killers period which tends to happen after the first 2-4 gens get completed. Comes down to a bad killer team is better than an equally bad survivor team. And a God tier Huntress/Nurse etc. paired with a trapper/wraith/billy is just gg.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    To prove how weak majority of nurses are

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Not nurse, it's a good player

    Those kind of videos prove nothing so stop trying to use it as an evidence of some kind

  • Member Posts: 3,579

    Honestly I dont see Nurse as often. I mostly come across Trappers and Huntresses more than anything else.

  • Member Posts: 973

    Really? Haven't seen her once mostly Trapper and Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    I guarantee these players would have lost their "8-slug" streak before even reaching 10 matches were it not for Nurse. That insane amount of pressure is reserved for insanely overtuned killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited August 2024

    That's just your belief, without any real logic to back it up

    I'll just guarantee these players would have much higher streaks than nurse already if they were using any other killers, then

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    Nurse has existed in the game since 2016, I won't explain all the ways in which she is beyond other killers and does things few if any other killers could ever even dream of. Anybody that knows game logic will understand why Nurse can snowball like this consistently and, say, Wraith can't.

    Streaks like this do prove and go to show things. Being able to consistently slug eight survivors without them often even getting more than a gen or two done is ridiculous, and there are reasons for it.

    Of course they get bad to mediocre players much of the time. But that is simply the reality of the game, we all do. For the reality of the game, Nurse is overpowered (she wins most of the time even against the best teams in the world, mind you). And she got buffed significantly on top of that for this mode. It's just strange.

    To note: I have not met a single great Nurse as survivor in this mode yet, the best I've faced were merely decent. I don't have a big issue with Nurse in my personal experience of this mode because most killer players are of course bad to mediocre too. I just don't think things like this should be possible, and trust me when I say that they wouldn't be without Nurse. Hell, if they at least didn't give her the buffs they did it would already be better. The lunge range particularly is ridiculous. She would still be plenty problematic without that, not least because of the (shared) Nowhere To Hide basekit giving her easy hits left and right.

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