The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

2 Vs 8 ... survivor & killer POV

ImWinston Member Posts: 220
edited July 26 in Feedback and Suggestions
  • I give my opinion after completing ALL challenges in the new tome.

killer is quite funny. Working in pairs with another player is something fresh and innovative (from Killer POV) in many cases it makes life a lot easier and the chases are short. if it were a permanent mode, I would play a few games in this mode in these percentages ... 90% "normal" game ... 10% 2 Vs 8 mod. finding a match however is an absolute disaster, last night I waited 15 minutes (I'm not joking)

survivor is chaotic and boring. chases are very short (if killers work in pairs, lasting 10 seconds in chase is an absolute record), so the rest of the game is M1 on gens or M1 to heal/save other players. STOP, no flash saves, no sabo, no memorable chases, no fun perks/'s just the M1 fest. when I escape, it's not because of my skill, but only because of my "luck". well, let's say that the devs didn't make the game fun for the survivors. if this mode were permanent I think I would never play it, maybe only if we are a group of 4 friends and suddenly an extra friend arrives. if the 400% bonus was permanent, maybe I could play a few games for farming points.

  • my final vote. 7 out of 10... a nice and fresh mode but you can certainly do better

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    I remember someone mentioning small endurance effect for survivor so they don't get double tagged. If that really is the biggest problem. Im ok adding that as we need more survivors.

    Even the mode is more survivor sided than normal. I find myself escaping most games and earning decent amount of bp. Killers can't tunnel, camp and slug which makes this mode much more healthier than normal.

    Most killers I have faced spread pressure and I have looped killers in this mode lot longer than in normal up to 4 minutes. One reason definetely is because lot of new killer players. Loops are stronger in this mode in 1vs1.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,043
    edited July 26

    I'm having a great time in both modes. Obviously killer is the preferred role, because it really adds a brand new change in how killer is played, where survivor is just added chaos. But even though I'm having games where both sides can dominate - one bad killer will really hamstring that team, but uncoordinated or not-interested-in-gens survivors are equally doomed - the flow of a match can change really quickly, where one side pulls victory from what looked like a strong start for the other, and I'm escaping more often than I normally do as survivor. And while I wish I could play more killer than the queues allow, the bloodpoints certainly don't hurt.

    Maps seem pretty buggy, between the red fenceless tiles, invisible collision, and the hook bug (and why do totems still spawn?), Escapist is by far the best Survivor role and Trapper is by far the worst killer, but overall I'm surprised at how well balanced this mode is so far. And delighted that DBD did such a good job delivering what we've been asking for for so long. Everyone seems to be having a great time in the social media I follow and I'm having a blast with them.

    My only complaint about the experience, and it's more of an observation than an actual complaint, is that survivor without comms is much worse than killer without comms in this mode. Two killers with basic game sense can effectively do their own thing and pressure survivors in different parts of the map, occasionally converging, but the info provided by survivor icons starts to fall apart when there's this many objectives. It's really common for swarms of survivors to go to the same hook, or for nobody to get the hook because they assume one of the other 6 players is dealing with it. I'm feeling that this is something that should be baked into the Medic role, some mini form of Bond or Kindred to help coordinate all the cross-map running.

    (Also, because you can't take a hit when there are potentially two killers, altruism seems to go out the window once endgame's started. I've on several occasions had healthy people running in circles in an uncontested exit gate for 20-30 seconds while I was caged 15 meters away. Part of me wonders if survivor camaraderie is lessened when instead of having 3 teammates, you're just one of a swarm of players.)