We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

2v8 is never being coming permanent

Marioneo Member Posts: 808

Unless Devs fill the matches with some bots to deflate the hour long queue times or bring down the 2v8 to 2v6 this mode is by far the most unsuccessful mode they made.



  • Bravobro
    Bravobro Member Posts: 167

    They say they will Bring the Game later Back with more Feedback and more Killer the next time. So this Mode will came Back. The Most people Like the Mode and this Game has Break the 100000 Player. So why they will destroy this Mode? ITS to good or too fun? The old Mode can Go. If the The 2 vs 8 Mode have more Killer the dlc will be bought the Same as the old Mode. The perk system is a clear mess everyone Like this Like controll and the broken builds that Bully the other Side. With the class and ability system they can better controll it. This Game will last Long with both mode or the old gone.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 640
    edited July 28

    Neither Lights Out nor Chaos Shuffle were killer favorable modes. In fact both were massively survivor sided.

    In Lights Out killers had no gen defense or detection tools which made tracking survivors pain and defending gens extremely difficult. Survivors however had more chests spawned on the map so most of the time they had either medkits or toolboxes at their disposal.

    Chaos Shuffle could result into a perk set that wouldn't work for a killer, such as both no gen defense or detection. For survivors, the worst case would be no perks match but even then they could still perform well if killer had 4 perks that don't work together.

    The only ones who complained were honestly bad survivor players who didn't want to adapt. For everybody else these modes were the blast. This 2v8 is also massively survivor favored, but since the concept of playing with killer team mate was much requested by both sides ( yeah, who could had thought? ) most players want to play as killer duo, including survivor mains, hence why it takes so much time to get a match. The only feasible solution here is to either convert this mode to 2v6 with addition of bots or do bot fill-ups for match search if it is taking more than 5 minutes.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 640

    Hardly a killer sided when killers had nothing where survivors had lots of chests to loot from.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,872

    I see, well I played a lot of it myself but hey I am fully aware that I am not the player base and my preference is subjective.

    Personally I don't think I will be playing much if any more of this particular event since I am a survivor main these days (killer stresses me out too much) and it feels very killer sided.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 386

    Most fun I've ever had in the game. I can't go back to 1v4 after this. If 2v8 doesn't stay I'll just quit.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Well to rebalance and add more characters, they're going to shut down the game mode. And that's a good thing because if they keep the game mode, the que times of the normal mode are going to suffer.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 386

    Yes it will increase killer queues, that means playing killer is really fun in this mode. It would be insane for them to not make this mode permanent because it's too popular.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819

    Unsuccessful? Have you seen the surge of players since it released?

    I think we forget that the highlight is 2 killers can play with each other, so that's going to be the more popular angle, even if survivor were throws all the bonuses and shiny toys imaginable. (Unless of course they made the survivor role COMPLETELY broken, I guess?)

    I mean, think about it. Killer queue times are insane right now because a surge of players are now able to play killer with someone else instead of alone after 8 years. Of course it's going to be popular no matter what and skew the queue times.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863

    Except the devs have said during the 2v8 livestream that the answer on if it will be permanent or not does not have a definitive answer yet, as this is just the first iteration of 2v8, from which they'll continue working on the mode based on the feedback they get from previous iterations regarding it.

    Once the mode is polished and refined enough, then they'll begin considering if the mode is to become permanent or semi-permanent.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 386

    Except this situation is very different, because Lights Out was unpopular with survivors while 2v8 is extremely popular for both survivors and killers. There are tons of survivors queueing, it's just the ratio of killer/survivor went out of balance since so many survivor mains want to play killer with their friend now.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    And which is still far less problem than killers having no perks

    Killers doesn't work without perks, survivors can mostly perform just fine without perks, game is fundamentally flawed when we don't have perks

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,002

    None of these modes can ever become permanent, imho

    Agreed. DbD does not have the playerbase to sustain multiple modes at once. I've been saying this for so long but noone ever wants to hear it. Matchmaking time in both modes has been horrendous as of late (although definitely way worse in 2v8).

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Survivors don't need perks to rush gens, do good chases, rescue and heal up especially when killers have no perks, killers do generally need perks because most of killers always lack something

  • Assassin97
    Assassin97 Member Posts: 35
    edited July 28

    The mode isn't even finished yet and a lot of people enjoy it, it's in its first iteration, it is a party mode, it is something they are trying because so many people have asked for it the past years, if you don't like the mode don't play it, it is very much a work in progress. It is basically 2v8 alpha. Plus, BHVR already said the mode isn't going to be permanent anyway, like months ago, it is going to be a reoccurring game mode.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,501

    Yeah I'm literally only playing for the bp otherwise I'd be in normal mode. Doing my part to help the killer queues but I need adequate compensation lol

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    they should considering adding survivor perks instead of classes. survivor only get variety in perks and that is gone in this mode.

    Survivors in this mode are literally just fodder. Gens are largely the same, there's no alternative objective or anything, so staring at a progress bar is still the biggest part of the gameplay. Interacting with the killer is nearly deleted, though. Chases are nearly instant, and since it's designed for survivors to lose the 1v1 chase, there's no chance 2v1. And with cages, there's no lurking for altruism either.

    I agree. i am not sure how many survivor play the game for 1vs1 chase but if that number is high than that is one more reason for queue problems. the mode in general directly contradicts the 1vs1 skill elements of dbd. I am not going say that there are no 1vs1's for survivor in 2vs8 mode but the ability to "carry" teams in this mode is close to 0 for survivor.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,233

    This is just false. The most people are waiting is Approx 15 minutes. Also 2v6 wouldn't at all be fair on the survivors, so thats a horrible idea. Not to mention your last point which is also false. This is the MOST successful game mode they have ever made. Whether you agree or not it doesn't matter but this game mode has broken records. This game mode WILL be permanent and it WILL continue to get love, more killers, more maps, bug fixes, adjustments etc. This is just the beginning of something amazing :D

  • Efrost
    Efrost Member Posts: 33

    Lol 2v6 would be horrible. You would have to GUT killers abilities and perks to make this even slightly balanced because if it isnt and killers easily kill every time. You wont have any survivor queing up at all.

    The best way to increase survivor interest to release a TON of different classes for them to experiment with. Right now you get 4 and that its. This would be way more interesting if there was a ton of differeant builds that you could run as a survivor.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294

    I also don't think 2v8 will be permanent; the (surv) playerbase is simply not big enough.

    maybe Q times could be shortened if they rebalance killers a little so that the same killers can play together - or killers get Qed together before they pick a killer and have to sort it out in the lobby. - But with the sheer amount of survs needed you need a massive surplus of surv players to make killer Qs acceptable. Someone somewhere did the math of how even just a slight imbalance impacts Q times in 1v4; Qs just keep getting longer. - So the other option I see to make Qs for killers shorter is to make matches insanely short; one match 5 mins max, lobby is 25 seconds instead of 1min and the end screen only has the match result tab right away and you get redirected to lobby after 5 seconds (if you don't click leave). That way the in-game-but-not-in-Q-or-match-time would also be shortened.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    Survivor gameplay is too watered down in this mode. The rare occasions where I’ve had to try and escape both killers are cool but too infrequent. I’ve had some games where I barely see either killer so I’m left to sit on gens, occasionally rescuing or healing another player. That’s just boring. No flashlights, no sabotage, no chance to get value from unique perks…it’s dull.

    For killer, it’s great. But the queue times are very off putting.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I personally am enjoying this other than the que times, as a survivor I feel your pain it's pretty much a coin toss whether you get a team that will do gens, but I recommend bringing a few friends into the que it's no different than the current state of solo q , they really need to make the hatch not open with gens still needing to be done so these stealthy players will actually try to do objectives instead of hiding for hatch at the start of the game I really feel like it's part of the issue of nobody doing ######### sometimes

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308
    edited July 29

    This mode is for killers, i've always wanted a 2v8 because i love playing chill as killer and having a teammate removes the stress of the role. I'm guilty of not thinking about survivors when asking for 2v8 and i'm sure 90% of the ppl that asked for this mode did so thinking about killer.

    Survivor needs to be reworked for this mode to make it something new, we need to give survivors a reason to play this mode over 1v4 (other than not being tunneled / camped). GENS NEED TO GO or be reworked (like make survivors look for parts around the map or something), i know they are one of the icons of this game but they are EXTREMELY boring. Give survivors something NEW GAMEPLAYWISE. BP incentives while good, are not the answer, ppl should play this mode for fun and not because they are being bought 🤣

    - Having teammates is something you already have in 1v4 (teammates that don't do gens is not new either 😂)
    - Gens is something you already have in 1v4
    - Totems are useless (in 1v4 can be useful)
    - Chests give items like flashlights which are almost useless (and feels like you're wasting time opening them since there are no perks / classes related to them unlike in 1v4)

    The novelty of the mode is the only good thing and won't last. Many people play this mode because are tired of being camped and tunnel in 1v4 which shouldn't be a reason and that's a problem that should be adressed separately.

    There's a lack of survivors not only because they are trying killer with their friends (i for example play soloq on both roles since none of my friends play DbD) but because survivor is boring.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,705

    personally, I don’t think any new modifer/gamemode should be permanent as it would make queue times too long for everything.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 555

    Not too sure why there are not enough survivor queues, 2vs8 mode is more efficient with a high turnover rate and many matches to enjoy, as there is a high probability that all the gen will be completed in 3-4 minutes, or that they will be overwhelmed at the first move and the battle over the hatch will begin.

    I think a large part of the reason the killer player queue is crowded is that it frees them from the solitude they have always struggled with in VC collaboration, but the survivor is still the same, for better or worse.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    Calling 2v8 the most unsuccessful mode the devs have made is just inherently false. Most people I've heard from agree that it's a blast and, while the queue times are (understandably) long on the Killer side, it's the most dumb fun mode that I've experienced. It's not perfect by any means, but I, as well as the overwhelming majority of players, love it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    I think some survivors are also having fun and the 1% who don't like it and long queue not because survivors not playing it that to many want play killer in that mode.