To BHVR; Topic, 2v8

Kable13 Member Posts: 13
edited July 27 in Feedback and Suggestions

Have you guys considered or tried (even in house) what a 2v8 standard without trying to make it fancy with team skills and perks? Just…. standard 2v8, with all the bells and whistles or normal 1v4.. I think this is what most people were actually expecting, since theres so many good combinations to be had, for lots of fun.. the amount of gens and stuff is fine and all.. and the innate aura reading of when the gens are completed / kicked (basically nowhere to hide perk) is really nice.. Just… looking for opinions on this? I mean… you spend sooooo long balancing the standard 1v4, why not just let that get played with twice as many people? instead of trying to make it all new-age and class based…. one of those, 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' situations..

Thanks for listening, Happy hunting.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 749

    yes please! i dont understand why they had to complicate things instead of doing what everyone was expecting...

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    They actually de-complicated the game. Part of the skill as killer in 1v4 is keeping track of 4 survivors each with 4 perks, so 16 perks total, trying to learn each survivor's strengths and weaknesses and keeping track of their perks. There's no way for a person playing killer to do that with 8 survivors in the match. And two killers doubling up on perks or not being allowed to double up on perks also gets complicated with 4 perks each, and survivors trying to figure out what 8 perks the killers are running…

    Not to mention survivors not knowing what perks their teammates are running, not knowing who to go to for heals, not running perks that help their teammates at all…

    Trying to balance the mode around 8 killer perks and 32 survivor perks in each match would be hellish when they're still trying to balance for 4 killer perks and 16 survivor perks in 1v4.

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 227

    makes it more casual. Imagine 8 survivors with off the record. Or 8 pain res in a match. 8 survivors with atypical or bnp. Two killers with one hit down addons and what not. It would suck. The cages are great because they almost completely prevent camping and tunneling which is the main complaint people have in this game.

    I love the cage and class system. Keeps the game casual and fun while keeping the “competitive meta” builds and mentality at bay.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 701

    I mean, they had to make their 2v8 mode different from the modded 2v8 that other people made somehow so it makes sense that they made some adjustements.

    That and a "true" 2v8 mode would be unplayable since the amount of busted combinations would just make the community burn the forum down with complaints (even more than now since the Lara Croft update which made the "Bug report" more active than the last few years.)

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 227

    *stypic, not atypical. Predictive text srry

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 749

    tbh, to me the only good thing about it is that thry finally decided to not have the rank system in it...

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,677

    Short answer is it wouldn't work. Not without completely redeveloping the entire game, which is an unreasonable amount of work and effort.

    Let's set aside the reality of things like regular hooks means 8 survivors can dedicate a full team of 4 to body block and completely deny any hooks. Let's focus on perks:

    So with hundreds of perks at this point, they'd have to consider the interactions between combinations between different killers, and how to deal with duplicates.

    They have to decide if certain things stack or not (say, both killers bring ruin... Is that 200% regression? Or just undying with extra steps?). Then they have to update perk descriptions to make it clear how that works: maybe ruin stacks, but SH: gift of pain doesn't, for example.

    And let's be honest for a second, that's not that different from the 4v1 mode. I suspect there's a not-insignificant group of players who only wanted 2v8 so they could stack 8 slowdown perks, or just camp a hook with huntress while blight rounded everyone up.

  • Kable13
    Kable13 Member Posts: 13

    First of all.. you all are over thinking things… it's all about the fun… and when u bust your butt working on unlocking those perks, ya wanna use em… i know i do.. plus… the 2v8 is very survivor sided, if they play correctly.. not to mention, the killers. theres only 2 of them.. if each killer finds 1 survivor and chases them each, that leaves 6, to each work on seperate gens, thats 80% of the work being done at once, while the 2 loopers putz around with the killers, keeping their attention… depending on the situation… if we say for example, 4/8 survivors escape, thats a killer win imo… simply due to the balance of the game supposed to be a 2/4 survival rate in standard…. meanwhile… i get games where both me and the other killer are on the same level (iredescant) and we get a 8man kill, while others, get a 8man out… so to be honest, having the PERKS not addons… (while they would be nice, not neccessary…) would change the dynamic… even if they all had pan res, or OTR… even spine chill… doesn't matter… because it comes down to the actual skill of the players (as the current iteration of 2v8 has already proved)..

    As for this ^ nonsense…. i dont even bother knowing what survivor perks do.. other than things like Lithe… stuff that gives them a sprint burst, or seeing my aura… as most killers probably dont bother keeping track of any cooldowns or what people have… they just play…. so this point was moot

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    as most killers probably dont bother keeping track of any cooldowns or what people have

    Assuming that just because you don't keep track that means most killers don't keep track is a poor assumption. Most people learn the game, play both sides, and pay attention to their opponents' strengths and weaknesses. That's part of normal gameplay in any game. It's fine if you personally choose to ignore a large part of the game's mechanics, but I wouldn't consider that the norm.


    this point was moot

    My reply wasn't targeted at you, it was to the person I was responding to. And it was specifically talking about complicated vs de-complicated. Whether you feel it applies to what you were saying or not was never considered when I wrote it.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,024

    I don't care about 2v8, but I do think the classes and killer changes are actually a very clever way to do the game mode.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    I have no real issues with the way they implemented 2v8 in this test mode "other than the existence of the glitches to he'll autohaven wreckers map" but I do hope when they role it out as a permanent game mode they enable perks at least l. If they don't than why did we bother leveling up all our killers and survivors like we did. Some of us have no desire to play 1v4 as long as 2v8 exists and it would be such a waste to see the thousands of hours people have spent leveling and prestiging go completely to waste.