Which do you enjoy more? 1v4 or 2v8?

1v4 prior to tuesday when i found matches in 5 seconds. 2v8 is more fun but if the queue is anything over one minute im allset and not playing it.
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Sadly, it isn't really the game mode that I was envisioning. There are too many issues even disregarding the buggy nature of it. My main issue with it, which destroys my enjoyment is there is little to no mind game. This is very much a looping game for the majority of it. With all auras being revealed every time a Generator is popped there is no ability to do any mode but Looper. The only way you could try to avoid being instantly revealed is if you are an all SWF team calling out warnings of when a Gen is going to pop so everyone could jump in lockers except the one finishing it.
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1v4. 2v8 they modified the game too much and created an entirely unfun survivor experience. The 400% bonus just demonstrates how much of a fail this is.
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I enjoyed more Lights out mode
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I just don't like having to be silo-ed into a role. Still enjoy the game mode, but prefer being able to customize my build.
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2v8 survivor is probably the worst experience this game has to offer. Lights Out was more fun.
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The 1v4 is the best design mode for sure but i found way more enjoyment through the 2v8. could just be recency bias but i don't think so. I thought every game mode before the 2v8 was pretty meh.
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I like that 2 vs 8 got good loops, not like the main game. The only thing I dislike is that I can‘t use perks/addons/items/offerings.
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2vs8 because it's new and I can play killer with friend. I do prefer survivor overall in 1vs4 because in 2vs8 you can't have items or can't do pallet/flaslight saves and there's no antitunnel perks ds and dh. But in 2vs8 I prefer you can earn more bp doing co-op actions and it is not throwing game on survivor.
Killer simply is so much more fun with friend and we only have 5 now. Once they add all killers it will be even better. But I kinda miss being able to carry survivors. 2vs8 is also more casual which I enjoyed. I
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2v8 but if it was the exact same as 1v4. All perks, all killers, everything (but obviously still with bigger maps). The only reason I'd see anyone willingly playing 1v4 would be to do something a bit calmer. 3v12 when?
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I’m a newer player and only started a few weeks before 2v8 started. Personally, I’m not a fan. I’m still trying to get good at the game, so maybe it’s just me, but it just feels luck based on who you survive with. If you get a bunch of people who don’t touch gens or rescues and just run around aimlessly, you’re cooked. I’ve been playing it a lot though because of the surv queue bonus. Makes it real easy to get BPs and just level up the new killers I bought, so at least there’s that.
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1v4, all the way. The new mode was amusing for the first few days, but now that I have the tome finished out, I won't touch it anymore. Ultimately, the class system of 2v8 is far too restrictive; I prefer the freedom to customize my perks and add-ons/items depending on my role to play as meme-y, casual, or sweaty as I prefer.
And sure, being able to play killer with a partner is fun — if you can get a match. I'm sorry, but if I'm expected to wait 20-30 minutes to play a match, I might as well just go and play Evil Dead: The Game or Puppet Master: The Game at that point. At the end of the day, I'll be happy to see 2v8 get shelved so the player base can go back to 1v4 and the queue times in the main game can stabilize again.1 -
2v8 is so fun, I hope it comes back and stays permanently ! My only regret is that you can't do the regular tome in 2v8
I found this mode quite balanced, although survivor sided, managed to escape like 80% of the time
To me it was such a breath of fresh air, so dynamic
As a surv, i've always enjoyed my trials and that shower of bps. <3 finally p100 my Carlos
As a killer, i've always used Wraith and the fun was here too, but that wait…
I had a great trial with a huntress, she basically got a shotgun, I was always by her to grant Undetectable and it was a massacre ! even surv congratuled us
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2v8 is absolute trash for survivors, nothing different in gameplay but running away from 2 killers, no saves, and just genrushing...
As for killer it was kind of okay? But wiaitng 15-20 minutes to play 3-4 minutes was absolutely not worth it. If it wasn't because my main (huntress) was aprt of the available killers, I wouldn't have even tried it
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2vs8 for the lack of SBMM
Every match is different and i don't get bored. Is funny to encounter killer i can't loop and killer that i loop for 3 minute lol.
Games don't need SBMM, SBMM rob the fun out of every game.
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I like the chaotic nature of 2v8 but it gets overwhelming. I find 1v4 to be just right. :)
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as soon as i can play whoever i want as a killer im changing my vote, yes bugs and all just give me dredge with the wraiths stuff dont even care so please gibme