About Trapper: Why is he rated an Easy killer, but Hag is rated Very Hard?

Amogusman Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 12

Apparently, the difficulty ratings are supposed to mean how easy it is for a newer player to use the power and actually do stuff with it.

Okay, fair enough. Hag's power is extremely easy to use, but difficult to use well and get fruitful results from.

Well, Trapper's power is similarly easy to use (what's so hard about setting a bear trap), but extremely difficult to get fruitful results because unlike Hag's traps (which have broken shackles to suppress the effects) everyone knows when someone's trapped in a trap as the icon shows up in the UI.

With this in mind, why is Trapper rated Easy? Shouldn't he be rated Very Hard as his power is also difficult to use well enough as to get kills?

If not Very Hard, at least Hard?

Or is this a remnant from the past when Trapper was much better and easier to get kills with, and the devs just never re-assesed the difficulty?

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