breakable walls removal or rework idea

now that they are being removed in midwitch bathrooms, i think all breakable walls could also be removed. they're just a killer only interaction that wastes time.
maybe if they're reworked into doors that killers and survivors could open, lock (only for survivor) and close. then breaking a door would make much more sense when its locked, but that's just an opinion. thoughts?
You really don't want this in some areas.
Dead Dawg main actually creates an infinite if you break the wrong walls there for the survivors. I consider it a game knowledge check at this point, but you don't want to just delete them all.
Similar thing on The Game, where the walls create dead ends until the wall is broken or survivors complete the nearby gen.
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'maybe if they're reworked into doors that killers and survivors could open, lock (only for survivor) and close. then breaking a door would make much more sense when its locked, but that's just an opinion. thoughts?'
Probably yes, there was the same kind of interactions in 'Gold Express' & it was nice. And yes, it is a just a waste of time for killer 'cause the best is to break all these walls at the start of the trial.0 -
Breakable walls, when used correctly, are a way for a killer to weaken an otherwise strong loop at a small cost.
Just removing them all isn't going to work, you just end up making a loads of maps significantly more killer sided. You'd need to rework the loops entirely.
That's not to say there aren't some breakable walls that absolutely should be changed or removed. But generally a lot of the walls on Dead Dawg, Midwich and even some on Gideon, are doing what they should be.
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i totally understand but breakable walls were introduced in chains of hate chapter and maps were reworked to include them with the realm beyond. meaning that the map tiles were weakened or strengthen just to accommodate them, an extra step by the level designers. also the newer maps like the Greenville square, forgotten ruins, toba landing etc, dont feature breakable walls and are fine to play on. kinda like breakable walls were abandoned.