Would you rather be trapped with a Demogorgon or a Xenomorph?

Tyler3 Member Posts: 194
edited August 2024 in General Discussions

Okay, not 100% Dead By Daylight related but still. In both situations, you are alone and have no weapons. Would you rather attempt to escape from a giant underground laboratory whilst an adult Demogorgon is after you. Or attempt to traverse through a giant spaceship and make it to the escape shuttle whilst a Xenomorph Drone is on your tail?

EDIT: Just to make it a little bit more interesting, in both situations you are allowed to create makeshift weapons and devices to help you.

Post edited by Tyler3 on


  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I’d go with the Xenomorph.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579
    edited August 2024

    Demogorgon seems more plausible to escape.

    Xenomorph has evolved over time to be an absolute killing machine, they are quiet, agile, and aggressive, while also having insane tracking abilities and skills. Demogorgon is not too far off but is more limited in their tracking abilities.

    In terms of locations, Hawkins also probably has more escape routes meanwhile Nostromo only has the Escape Pod Bay which is far more limited; it is generally easier for Xenomorph to just guard the exists and starve me out than Demogorgon could.

    Finally, if you get caught by either, Demogorgon is just a much faster death, and I rather not be turned into a human toaster for several days just for another species' baby or something.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 345

    Is there a difference?

    • Both are much faster and stronger than average human
    • Both will either maul you or turn you into an incubator for the next generation
    • Both can navigate space around them more efficiently than panicking humans

    In both cases, it's game over man.

    But, if I happen to acquire a makeshift weapon, I'd choose Demogorgon because 1) it doesn't have acid for blood, 2) it acts like a typical predator, so it would actually back off if you keep hitting it hard enough, so there is a slim chance of making it out.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited August 2024

    I want to say you'd have more of chance against the xenomorph because it doesn't have any paranormal abilities. It's just a very very strong animal.

    I think the queens are supposed to have a higher intelligence then the drones, but the latter aren't exactly dumb either.

    And that depends on what lore you're going to follow. Xenomorph were supposed to be these perfect predators and then in later media entries just blew them up left and right like basic fodder baddies.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I guess the one that'll kill me faster so that I feel the least amount of pain as possible.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,192


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    Demogorgon. He is more likely to kill me immediately while the Xenomorph will keep me alive to use my body as an incubator. No thanks lol